Serious coaching income
This short video features Terri Broughton, a former head teacher who has transformed her impact and her income as a coach. In this 1-minute video, you can hear the amazement in her voice as she explains her transformation, as she explains her transition from apologetic… to cheeky… to incredulous!
Just two years ago, she was apologetically charging 60 pounds for coaching. Then, shortly after starting the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, she put her price up to 120 pounds and thought “That’s a bit cheeky!”
Before long, Terri started experimenting with coaching packages. Coaching packages can be a game-changer for coaches, especially when you’ve got what I call ‘grounded certainty’ about the transformational impact you can have. Terri developed that during the programme, and started offering coaching packages. And my guess is you’re going to be as amazed as Terri was when you hear about the level she’s working at in her coaching business today.
This one-minute clip was from a longer video, where Terri talked about the incredible impact the principles behind clarity have had in her own life, and in her daughter’s life. Terri explained that for years, she’d felt she wasn’t good enough. But since seeing the truth about who she really is, she said, “I really have come home”. As she experiences that peace in her own life, it amplifies her ability to have an impact in the lives of her clients. You can watch the full video here. This is essential. Why? Because enjoying your own life is an essential foundation for having a profound impact in the lives of others, and growing a successful practice (in fact, this is why we have a number of people who join the Clarity Coach Training programme each year purely for their own personal development.)
This is the third of the videos that reveal the 3 transformations that you need to go through to have a big impact on your clients and create the kind of livelihood that can bring: Grounding, Impact and Livelihood. Terri’s video focuses on “livelihood”. And while valuable coaching packages may be “the fruit”, the roots and branches of Terri’s professional practice are her grounding and her impact. After all, impact is what your client’s pay you for!
By the way, we’re now taking applications for the 2017/18 Certified Clarity Coach Training programme, and there’s an early booking price when you submit your application by this Friday, 30th June. If you’ve been considering training as a Clarity Coach, you’ll save £3,000 if you get your application in by this Friday. And to put the icing on the cake, everyone who gets a place on the programme is going to get a free place on the “1:1 Intensive Unpacked” I’m doing (21-23 July). You’re going to be “sitting in” (via live video feed) while I do a 3-day intensive with a paying client. Then, in between the sessions, I’ll be unpacking it for you, explaining exactly what I’ve been doing, and answering your questions. If you want to save £3,000 and get your free place on the 1:1 Intensive Unpacked, submit your application for Clarity Coach Training here:
Enjoy Terri’s’s video!
Big love
PS Friday 30th June is this Friday, so make sure you get your application in by then if you want to save £3,000 and get a free place on the 1:1 Intensive Unpacked!