1.1 These are the terms and conditions on which we deliver our live in person, live stream and self-study programmes (Programmes) to you. 

1.2 Please read these terms carefully before you engage with us. These terms tell you who we are, how  we will deliver our Programmes to you, how you and we may change the contract, what to do if there  is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms or  require any changes, please contact us to discuss. 



2.1 We are Clarity Academy Ltd a company registered in England and Wales, whose company number is  05306876 and whose registered address is 37 Clarence Street, Leicester LE1 3RW.

2.2 The details of our Programmes, Fees and the booking form can be found on our Website which is  located at 

2.3 You can contact us by writing to us at 

2.4 You are the person who has booked and / or is attending our Programme and you agree to comply  with and be a party to this contract.  

2.5 If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address you  provided to us at the time of Booking. 



3.1 Our contract with you consists of these terms and conditions, the joining instruction (at clause 6.1) and any information you provide through the booking process, which may take place via our website or over the phone. 

3.2 Your booking is deemed to commence at the time you complete the booking form and pay the Fee or  relevant deposit. (Booking)  

3.3 Our contract commences on the date of your Booking with us and shall apply to all Programmes we  provide to you, regardless of whether or not you have provided written confirmation of your  acceptance of these terms. 

3.4 Our Programme may be delivered in a number of sessions and these terms and conditions apply to all  sessions. Any references to sessions in these terms and conditions refer to the sessions of the  Programme you have Booked. (Session) 



4.1 Subject to clause 8 if you wish to make a change to your Booking please contact us. We will try and  accommodate all reasonable requests and we will advise you of any changes this may require to the  timing, dates or price of the Programme. 



5.1 It may be necessary for us to make changes to these terms and conditions or to the Programme we  provide to you

a) to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements or to co-operate with all  reasonable directions from a regulatory authority 

b) to reflect amendments in health and safety requirements 

c) to amend or enhance the Programmes we provide 



6.1 The Programmes we provide are set out on our Website and additional details are set out in the  joining instructions which we will send to you after booking. The joining instructions will provide all  necessary details as to the times, dates and necessary links and software requirements to access the  course. (Joining Instructions) 

6.2 We shall provide you with all relevant materials required to attend and participate in our  Programme. (Materials) 

6.3 Our Programmes are delivered using all reasonable skill and care and in accordance with  industry standard best practice.

6.4 All of our Programmes will be delivered online, using the details set out in the Joining Instructions,  unless otherwise indicated. 

6.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you have Zoom (or any other similar software we advise)  installed and working correctly prior to each Session.  

6.6 The specific Sessions for the Programmes you have booked will be agreed and confirmed in writing  by us. As the Programme is attended by other participants then the dates and times of these Sessions  cannot be amended or cancelled by you, and we unfortunately cannot offer a refund or replacement  Sessions for any Sessions you have missed. All Sessions shall be recorded and will be made available  within 72 hours after the Session. We shall not be held liable for any Sessions which have not been  recorded due to technical or other valid reasons. 

6.7 You are responsible for ensuring that you follow with all reasonable guidance provided by us during  the Programme and Sessions. You understand and confirm that your compliance with all or any of the  obligations may impact the outcome of the Programme. 

6.8 In order for us to provide you our Programme you shall ensure that; 

a) all information you provide to us is full and accurate and shall continue to be updated if necessary, throughout the Programme 

b) You acknowledge that our Programmes are educational and coaching programmes and are not a  substitute for counselling, psychotherapy or medical advice and the Programme is not a substitute for existing or future therapy. 

c) You acknowledge that we do not guarantee any outcome or specific results from our Programmes. Any potential outcomes or previous results set out on our Website or any other materials are for  illustrative purposes only as to what may be achieved, we cannot guarantee you will achieve the  same outcome or results.  

d) You are responsible for ensuring that as the Programme is delivered remotely, you undertake the  sessions in a safe and suitable environment.  

e) You are responsible for your well-being during the Programme and each Session.  f) You remain fully responsible for all choices and decisions made during and after the Programme and we cannot be held responsible or liable for any interpretation of our Programme. g) You acknowledge that to the extent the Programme directly or indirectly involves any aspect of  your career or business, we cannot guarantee any level of outcomes included but not limited to  increased clientele, profitability and or business success. 

6.9 You expressly provide us permission to record any Sessions, such recordings may be shared with the  other participants of your specific Programme and may be used by us for training purposes, podcast  episodes and other promotional or educational purposes, You expressly acknowledge and consent  that such recordings may be used in the public domain. We shall not share recordings of 1:1 coaching  sessions involving you in other circumstances without your written permission. 



7.1 The Fees for our Programme are set out on our website. (Fees) 

7.2 The Fee for the Programme shall be paid in full at the time of Booking unless otherwise agreed in  writing. 

7.3 If you do not make any payment to us by the due date, we may charge interest to you on the overdue  amount at the rate of 3% a year above the base lending rate of the Bank of England from time to time.  



8.1 We may cancel a Programme or Session, or not permit you to attend a Programme or Session for the  following reasons; 

a) events outside our reasonable control 

b) You fail to comply with any other reasonable instruction 

c) You demonstrate behaviour which in our sole opinion we deem inappropriate  d) You have failed to make a payment in accordance with clause 7 

8.2 In the event we have to cancel a Programme or Sessions then where appropriate we shall reschedule  the Programme or Session as soon as possible at a date and time suitable to all participants.

8.3 If you wish to amend your Booking prior to it commencing then where possible we will  reschedule your entire Booking to the next available date for the same Programme. For the  avoidance of doubt this may not be possible if the Programme has commenced.  



9.1 We offer a 30-day 100% money back guarantee as follows: 

a) The 30 days commences when you make the Booking or make the first payment, whichever is the  earliest. 

b) While we offer a ‘no questions asked/no quibble guarantee’ we would politely request that you  give us an indication of why you wish to leave the Programme. 

c) While we offer a ‘no questions asked/no quibble guarantee’ we would politely request that you  have a conversation with us regarding any issues and permit us a reasonable opportunity to  resolve any issues. 

d) If no resolution can be found we shall provide you with a full refund within 10 days. You agree to  delete and no longer use or access any Materials which you received from us in relation to the  Programme. 



10.1 We pride ourselves on providing a professional service and delivering a professional Programme. If  you have any questions or in the unlikely event you have a complaint about the treatment, please  contact us at using the contact details in clause 2 and we will aim to find an amicable solution within  10 working days.  

10.2 Wherever possible and complaints or questions should be raised during the Programme, you acknowledge and accept that we have limited options to resolve any issues once the Programme has  been completed. 



11.1 We are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our negligence. Such  liability whether in contract or tort shall be limited to the value of the fees paid for the Programme. 11.2 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This  includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence. 



12.1 We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can find our Privacy  Policy on our Website. 



13.1 All Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) including copyright in the Programme, Materials, and any  associated documents in whatever paper or electronic format shall at all times remain the property  of Clarity Academy Limited. 

13.2 Nothing in this contract shall permit you to copy, amend or use in any way whatsoever our IPR, this  includes but is not limited to recording any of the Programme or Sessions. 

13.3 All Materials and documents relating to our Programme shall be for your personal use only and shall  not be copied, sold or be permitted to be used by any third party. 



14.1 Save for Clause 6.9 both parties undertake to keep confidential any confidential information, which  shall be deemed as any information exchanged between us during a session or any information  regarding the Programme or specific information about either party obtained under or in connection  with this contract. 

14.2 Save for Clause 6.9 any disclosure of any confidential information, is not permitted unless the  disclosing party has obtained prior written approval. 

14.3 Each party shall notify the other party immediately of any disclosure or suspected disclosure of any  confidential information and both parties shall provide all necessary assistance to the other to  terminate any disclosure or misuse of any Confidential Information.



15.1 This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms 15.2 Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides  that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect. 15.3 If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if  we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that  you do not have to do those things or prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example,  if you miss a payment and we do not chase you, but we continue to delivery the treatments we can  still require you to make the payment at a later date. 

15.4 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and replaces all other terms  and conditions, undertaking and agreements howsoever agreed. Save to the extent expressly  provided, all conditions, warranties or other terms implied by statute or common law are hereby  excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law 

15.5 In the unlikely event of a dispute then both parties agree to attempt to resolve the matter in  accordance with clause 10.1, if this process fails to find an amicable solution both parties agree  to submit the dispute to an independent mediation provider prior to engaging formal court  proceeding. 

15.6 This Contract shall be governed by English law and both parties consent to the exclusive  jurisdiction of the English courts in all matters regarding it.