FSOC – The 3Ps meet the military…
It’s a while since I’ve written a Friday Shot of Clarity but I’ve got fresh inspiration so here we are! Let’s start with a story…
Last summer, I flew to Rome to deliver a keynote speech to 80 military and civilian personnel at the NATO Defense College.
My brief was to help them have greater clarity, less stress, more productivity and stronger professional relationships (the college has staff from 20 member states, so good communication is essential).
There was one problem: my contact warned me that the military personnel wouldn’t enjoy my talk. He explained these were experienced senior officers (colonels, generals etc) who already felt they had all the EQ they needed. He said they’d likely be checked out and checking their watches during my session.
But here’s the thing: I had a ‘secret weapon’…
I wasn’t going to be teaching concepts, beliefs and ideas; I was going to be pointing these soldiers to something that’s already true for everyone.
I love a challenge, so as I reflected on the warning I’d been given, I made it my mission to get the whole team at the Defense College fully engaged so I could have a big impact by sharing the principles with them.
See, when I’m giving a talk, my aim is to be practical without being prescriptive, spiritual without being woo-woo, impactful without being earnest and to share a good feeling in the process.

The topics we covered ranged from Napoleon to Netflix, from strategic insight to the unsuspected superpowers everyone has.
It was the first live in-person talk I’d done in over 18 months (because of lockdown). For the first 10-15 minutes, you could hear the adrenaline in my voice, but this ended up being a great teaching point when we talked about the link between rabbits and your innate capacity for handling stress. 🙂
Q: Would you like to hear this keynote?
We’ll have the audio ready for my podcast in the next few days, so keep your eyes on your inbox and we’ll circle back with the link soon.
This Week’s Facebook Live:
Unpacking the launch process for getting
coaching clients & filling programmes
This month I’m going to ‘unpack’ the launch process I’ve been using to fill coaching programmes for the past few years and show you how you can apply those principles to get 1:1 clients and grow your coaching business. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any of the ‘behind the scenes’ material, click here and join my Thriving Coaches Community in Facebook.
You can watch the 25-minute Facebook live, I did give an overview of the process here:
And if you want to read about what had me decide to unpack the process and take coaches and business owners ‘behind the scenes’, you can read about that here (it turned out to strike a chord, with over 100 comments and 17 shares):
One From the Archives
One of our most listened to podcast episodes is “Instant Clarity”, a recording I created to accompany the release of my second book, The Little Book of Clarity. Most people think it takes iron discipline and hours of practice to achieve mental clarity and peace of mind, but you’re going to discover that it’s as natural and effortless as watching a sunrise or smiling at a friend.
You can listen to that episode here: https://www.jamiesmart.com/pcp08/
Big love,
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker & Coach
PS As I said above, I’m giving people a behind-the-scenes look at my simple, effective & fun launch process, and at the end of it we’ll be enrolling people for the last ever intake of my Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme. It’s the only TCB we’re going to be running this year, and the last one I’m ever going to run in the 12-week form we’ve taken over 500 coaches, therapists and trainers through over the past 8 years.
And here’s the thing: While I’m going to be ‘unpacking’ launches and showing you how it all applies to growing your coaching business, I don’t know how many people are going to sign up for the Thriving Coaches Blueprint I’m starting at the end of the month.
But whether it’s 8 people or 48 people, my commitment is to enjoy the journey every step of the way between now and then and beyond.
If you already know you want to be part of this final intake of the 12-week TCB programme so you can get clients and grow your coaching business in a way that feels good and fits with who you are, click here to learn more:
PPS Q: Would you like occasional mini-tips / instant content for getting coaching clients & growing your business? Think ‘spontaneous & unpremeditated’ 🙂
I’m going to be doing some of the ‘behind the scenes’ stuff for the Simple/Effective/Fun launch in my Secret Coaching Business Channel which you can access for free here: http://www.JamieSmart.com/secret