FSOC – The impact elevator

This week’s (belated) shot of clarity is a simple ‘tool’ that’s excerpted from my book RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More (©2016 Jamie Smart, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd).

As well as being an easy way to understand the connection between state of mind, the ‘impact elevator‘ is a simple way to show the relevance of the principles behind clarity to a prospective client.

Experience shows that the Harvard Business Review article referenced in the tool conveys a certain amount of credibility and authority, particularly in conversations with entrepreneurs, CEOs and other executives.

State of mind; the impact elevator
People give their best performances when they’ve got nothing on their mind. When your mind is clear, you’re available to the moment, connected to your innate source of guidance, resilience and creativity.

And where does high performance come from?

Your state of mind.

How your state of mind affects your performance
In their December 2014 Harvard Business Review article, ‘How Your State of Mind Affects Your Performance’, researchers Caillet, Hirshberg and Petti reported their findings from a survey of 740 leaders internationally.

94% of the leaders identified the states that drove the highest levels of performance as ‘calm’, ‘happy’ and ‘energized’ (CHE). At the other end of the spectrum, leaders admitted to spending a certain amount of time in low-performance states; ‘frustrated’, ‘anxious’, ‘tired’ and ‘stressed’ (FATS).

The article suggested that CHE states not only drove high performance; these states also seemed to be ‘transmitted’ to other people. Conversely, the FATS states often delivered short-term results but were damaging in the long term, particularly in the domain of relationships.

When we struggle with FATS states, we’ve been hijacked by contaminated thinking. The CHE states, on the other hand, are natural for us when our minds are free from contaminated thinking.

Q: Would you like to learn more about The Impact Elevator, and how you can use it as an ice-breaker in conversations with prospective clients?

This tool is one of the things we’re going to be covering in The Thriving Coaches Business Masterclass series.

The purpose of this free LIVE training programme is to help you create a thriving coaching practice. It’s going to be 8-12 hours of super high-impact, immediately useful information.

In fact…

This *free* masterclass series is going to be more valuable to you than most people’s *paid for* programmes.

We’re starting on September 17th (just four days from now) and it’s going to be a blast (as well as a blast-off!)

>> CLICK HERE for free access to the Thriving Coaches Business Masterclass

To your increasing clarity!

Big love

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PS. I’ve just launched my secret coaching business channel on Telegram. It’s full of bite-sized client-creation tips and exclusive content (my latest posts include the 5-question model for deciding on a price for your coaching or training, and what I call the ‘relationship/need matrix’).

>> Click here to join my secret coaching business channel & get all the tips

PPS. The doors are open for The Clarity Certification Training which starts in January 2020. 23 of the 36 places have already been taken, so there are only 13 places left as I write. And the early booking price expires on 30th November, so if you want to save up to £2,000 and get one of the remaining 13 places, check out the details and register now.

And if you’d prefer to talk it through with Deb on my team and get answers to your questions, you can book a call in her diary here.