EVENT: The inside-track to writing YOUR first bestselling book

I’m delighted to tell you that my dear friend and mentor Shaa Wasmund has made such a mind-blowingly generous offer that I wanted to share it with you immediately. Here goes…

Like me, Shaa always talked about writing a bestselling business book – and last year she did it! ‘Stop Talking, Start Doing – A Kick in the Pants in Six Parts’ outsold every other business book in 2012 and was still #1 in WH Smiths’ business charts a year after its release. She did this despite running Smarta.com and sitting on the board of several other companies. 

Her example really inspired me, and this month my book CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results took the #1 spot in WH Smiths’ business charts, as well as becoming an international Amazon  #1 bestseller. This is not a coincidence – that’s why Shaa and I believe, despite how busy you are and how little time you think you have, that actually YOU TOO CAN WRITE A BESTSELLING BOOK! 

And Shaa and I are going to be showing you how to do just that. On Friday 12th April, Shaa will be running a one-day event called ‘How to Create a Non-fiction Bestseller’. 


And here’s the kicker (when Shaa told me she was going to do this, I was totally blown away). When you book your place on this one-off event before 3pm on April 5th, you’re also going to be given 6 copies of my book CLARITY to share with your friends, as well as the full bonus pack that goes with it, including a place on my “Kickstart Your Clarity” event on April 13th. (If you’re already coming to that event, relax – I’ll be emailing you with details of how you can join us at Shaa’s event at a super discounted rate).

Shaa’s got the publishers, editors and marketing managers of Wiley, Capstone, Penguin and Random House all lined up. They’ll be sharing their industry insights on the latest book trends, the decline of the retail market, the best online marketing strategies and the different routes to market.

We’re talking about having the ‘best of the best’ of the business book publishing world all under the same roof!

•           Iain Campbell, Publisher at Wiley helping people with original ideas share their stories in print and digital. 

•           Holly Bennion, Commissioning Editor for Wiley Business and Capstone responsible for finding leading experts in business and personal development.

•           Megan Saker, Marketing Manager at Wiley and Capstone responsible for maximising book sales for general business titles. 

•           Joel Rickett, Publisher at Penguin with over 15 years experience spotting and creating a bestseller.

•           Richard Lennon, Communications Manager at Penguin overseeing marketing, PR and business development for Penguin’s business books. 

•           Susanna Abbot, Editorial Director of Vermilion, the UK’s leading lifestyle imprint with over 15 years experience identifying and developing new talent and has published numerous best selling authors including Steve Peters (The Chimp Paradox).

Of course, I’ll be speaking at the event too, digging deep and giving you all my insights, “hot off the press” from creating my own  #1 bestseller with CLARITY.

It has become increasingly obvious that a book is one of the best ways to rapidly build credibility in your industry. It builds your  personal profile, creates PR opportunities and opens you up as a thought leader and speaker in your field of expertise. And that’s why I highly recommend you attend this event and access the insights from the industry experts!

Whether you want to write a business book, a personal development book or something completely different, this event is a must! 


The topics Shaa and her publishing experts will be covering include: 

* Different routs to market: self publishing vs traditional publishing 

* How to secure a book agent 

* How to make yourself attractive to a publisher

* How to secure an advance from your publisher 

* Five biggest insider tips if you are planning on self publishing

* How to grow your platform to market your book 

* The two different types of PR you can generate from your book 

* Case studies from other bestselling authors (including yours truly)

There will be lots of Q&A time so you can get all your questions answered! 

Shaa is a good friend of mine, so she’s given me a handful of these special tickets that include a place on my event the next day plus 6 copies of
my book CLARITY
 for my close friends and guests. I highly recommend you get in quick and book your ticket as they are limited –
it will definitely sell out! This event is not to be missed and seating is limited! Book your ticket today:

To your increasing clarity!