FSOC – The precise path to your wildest success
Released on June 12th, 2020
In this week’s Friday Shot of Clarity, we’re going to talk about success.
We each have our own ideas of what it means to be successful.
One person defines it in riches and wealth, while another chooses fame or recognition.
One sets their sights on sexual conquests or market domination in business while another defines success as a life of simplicity.
The great-grandfather of personal development, Earl Nightingale defined success as “… the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
The author Sydney Banks defined success as “happiness and contentment.”
So what’s *your* definition of success?
See, while we each have our own ideas of what it means to be successful, all too often, those ideas are unexamined relics…
Stories that are long past their ‘best-before’ date…
Beliefs that have been handed down to us by parents, teachers or the media…
Equations that don’t necessarily add up, like “I’ll be successful when X” or “I couldn’t be successful if Y”…
The author Robert Holden once said, “If your definition of success doesn’t include love, get another definition!”
Funnily enough, when I’m asked what the biggest difference the principles behind clarity have made in my own life, the answer’s always the same…
“Love and connection.”
These days, I experience more love and connection in the average week than I used to in the average year.
So once again, what’s *your* definition of success?
Near the start of my flagship programme (the Clarity Certification Training), I often say something like this to my students:
“On the one hand, I want you to be wildly successful,
whatever your definition of success turns out to be…
And on the other hand, I want you to become the fullest
expression of who you really are.
Because it turns out that becoming the fullest
expression of who you really are…
Is the surest path to becoming wildly successful…
Whatever your definition of success turns out to be.”
And this seems to me to be the most crucial realisation…
Your definition of success is something you *discover* for yourself.
While you might like what Earl or Syd or Robert have to say about success, the only definition that really matters is *your* one.
And your own definition is the one you discover *insightfully*.
This is one of the things I’m going to be talking about at a free session I’m doing next week.
This coming Monday, June 15th at 7 pm UK-time, a group of us are getting together and going ‘behind the scenes’ of my flagship programme.
The session’s called, “Clarity Certification Unpacked!” – it’s going to be a relaxed, insightful and informative session, and I’ll be joined by some of my graduates so you can get their perspectives too.
As well as looking at the whole ‘success’ piece, you’re going to be discovering…
- The 3 crucial distinctions behind principles-based coaching.
- The single most important factor for experiencing a genuine transformation in your own life.
- The secret to having a massive impact in the lives of others.
- The keys to thriving in the online ‘transformation economy’ (super important in these socially distanced times).
There’s going to be live Q&A; you’ll be able to get answers to your questions from me personally. So whether you’ve been considering joining the programme, or you just want to have a nosey, it’s going to be a great session.
Q: Would you like to join us?
>> MASTERCLASS: Clarity Certification Unpacked – click here to reserve your free place
To your wildest success (however you may come to define it)!
Big love,
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach
PS You may already be aware of this, but my mission in life is to awaken people and help them awaken others. That’s one of the reasons I love doing these masterclasses. See you Monday!
>> MASTERCLASS: Clarity Certification Unpacked – click here to reserve your free place