Transformation video
Yesterday I saw this touching video from Davida Arnold where she tells the story of how her life has transformed over the past year. Davida reveals that things just weren’t where she wanted them to be in her life. Davida is a coach who was doing what so many coaches do; trying to pretend to herself (and everyone else) that things were going better than they actually were.
Davida was putting on a brave face, but inside she was struggling. She’d been feeling a deep sense of sadness for a long time, but she hadn’t wanted to admit it. Every year, she and her husband would have a few months of things going well, then they would start arguing and not getting along, and she’d think “We’re here again”. Davida found herself thinking the same things over and over again; things like:
– If my kids behaved, I would feel better
– If my husband and I didn’t argue, then I’d be happy
– If I could get my daughter to clean her room, I would be OK
– If I could just get my life the way I want it to be, then everything would be OK
When you watch this 5-minute video, you’ll see and hear how Davida’s life has transformed as she’s realised something profound: She’s already OK. Her happiness is pre-destined from birth. (She explains that she used to ‘know that intellectually’, but now she really gets it at the deepest level).
This is fundamental: Realising that you’re already OK; that you don’t need anything to change in order to be happy is one of the keys to living a beautiful life, and to being truly successful in any domain. It’s part of what I call “Grounding”, and it’s a foundational element of being an impactful coach (it turns out it’s also a key element of enjoying yourself, having happy relationships and a harmonious family life! In fact, this is why we have a number of people who join the Clarity Coach Training programme each year purely for their own personal development.)
Over the next week, we’re going to be sharing a number of videos, each of them focusing on one of the 3 transformations that you need to go through to have a big impact on your clients and create the kind of livelihood that can bring. The 3 transformations are:
1) Grounding: Your personal transformation (Davida speaks eloquently to this in her video). Your grounding is the foundation for your impact with your clients, and for all your commercial endeavours. Most transformation professionals who are struggling to ‘get clients’ are actually struggling with their own grounding!
2) Impact: Your interpersonal transformation. In a couple of days, I’m going to send you a video from Peter, telling you about the extraordinary increase in his impact on his clients over the past year. Why is this important? Because your impact is what your clients will pay you for! I’m guessing it’s also why you wanted to become a transformation professional in the first place; to make a difference to others.
3) Livelihood: Your commercial transformation. Once your grounding and impact are sorted, your commercial transformation is a practical matter. Yes, it involves learning some new things, but it turns out that the qualities that make you a great coach also position you beautifully for getting clients in a way that feels great and fits with who you really are. Towards the end of the week, I’m going to share a video from Terri. When I first met her, she was charging £60 per hour. As you watch the video, you’ll hear the amazement in her voice as she tells you about the packages she’s now enrolling people on.
All that’s to come; in the meantime, watch Davida’s video and see for yourself just what a difference a year can make.
By the way, we’re now taking applications for the 2017/18 Certified Clarity Coach Training programme, and there’s an early booking price when you submit your application by this Friday, 30th June. If you’ve been considering training as a Clarity Coach, you’ll save £3,000 if you get your application in by this Friday. And to put the icing on the cake, everyone who gets a place on the programme is going to get a free place on the “1:1 Intensive Unpacked” I’m doing (21-23 July). You’re going to be “sitting in” (via live video feed) while I do a 3-day intensive with a paying client. Then, in between the sessions, I’ll be unpacking it for you, explaining exactly what I’ve been doing, and answering your questions. If you want to save £3,000 and get your free place on the 1:1 Intensive Unpacked, submit your application for Clarity Coach Training here:
Enjoy Davida’s video!
Big love
PS Friday 30th June is this Friday, so make sure you get your application in by then if you want to save £3,000 and get a free place on the 1:1 Intensive Unpacked!