TTE1 – The Thursday Enthusiasms (Book, Kitchen, Cartoon, Video, Subject)

I’m experimenting with different ways of sharing my enthusiasms with you. My only criteria for including something here is this: I’m enthusiastic about it! Here’s the first instalment of The Thursday Enthusiasms for you to enjoy, covet or ridicule. Here goes:

1) A book I’m enthusiastic about
The Missing Link by Sydney Banks. OK – I was given this book in 1999, read it in an hour and dismissed it, saying “I already know all that, and it’s more complicated than that”. Now it’s one of my favourite books. I can read a single sentence and get floored. Truly mind-opening.

2) A thing I’m enthusiastic about
The Aerobie Aeropress Coffee Maker. I love coffee, but I never used to like making coffee at home until I got my Aeropress. It’s so good I even take it with me when I travel.

3) A cartoon that makes me smile 
As I write, my body is no longer retaining biscuits. For the moment…

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4) A video I’m enthusiastic about
Do We See Reality As It Is – A TED Talk by Cognitive Scientist Donald Hoffman. My friend TJ shared this video with me a few weeks ago and I love it. He’s the first scientist I’ve seen articulate something I’ve been pointing to for ages.

5) A subject I’m enthusiastic about
Three Warning Signs That Your Goals May Be Toxic – an article I wrote on Huffington Post a few months back that got shared rather a lot. I’m guessing it struck a chord!

That’s all for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just send a tweet to @jamiesmartcom and put #Enthusiasms in there so I can find it. More coming next week!

Big love