TTE110 – Backflips, Jetpacks and Buddy Guy
Photo courtesy of Spezz and Flickr
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog here.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
This week’s quote comes from Al Franken, and really relates to my view of our innate capacity for resilience. I see so many people trying to “carpet a world” that is inherently chaotic, changeable and risky. Far more powerful imho is to wake up to your innate resilience, put on your “inner slippers” and have at it!
“It’s easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.”
2. A special announcement on the future of clarity
I did a FacebookLive last night to tell people about something very exciting that my community, my team and I are doing in the weeks and months ahead.
Part of why I’m so excited about this is because it has the potential to be a significant milestone on the journey towards my vision of awakened humanity.
Looking forward to seeing what you make of it!
3. This week’s glimpse of the future
The other week it was a man on a real-life hoverboard. Now it’s a jetpack!!! Tony Stark, they’re gaining on you! If you don’t know what to get me for my birthday, this!
4. The world’s first standing double backflip
This is terrific; simply amazing.
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
I can still remember the day I first heard blues-legend, Buddy Guy in the late 1980s. An old UK TV show called ‘The Tube’ (hosted by Jolls Holland) aired a 3-minute clip of Guy singing The First Time I Met the Blues, the vocals punctuated with guitar-riffs that could strip paint. I immediately purchased my first Buddy Guy album, and spent countless hours trying to replicate his ‘machine-gun full of hornets’ style (you can hear the huge influence BG had on Led Zep’s Jimmy Page). That was 20 years ago, long before the advent of Youtube, so I never heard that original 3-minute blast again until I remembered it and found it! So hear it is, sounding as fresh as it did when I first heard it. Here’s Buddy Guy with The First Time I Met the Blues,
One last thing: I’m doing one of my experiments & it soft-launches this weekend. I’m researching something new, and I’m looking for the right group of people to take part in it. Here’s how you’ll know if you’re right for my experiment (and vice-versa):
– You are currently in full-time employment, but…
– You want to transition from your job to something more fulfilling and “on-purpose”
– You sense that it’ll probably take 1-2 years to complete the transition, but…
– Your goal hasn’t been getting much closer; it seems to stay the same distance away
– You want to make progress, but lack clarity about either the ‘what’ or the ‘how’, and…
– You know that if you were clear on those, with a solid plan, you’d do what it takes to make it happen, and…
– You’ve been thinking about it for long enough, and you’re ready to do something about it NOW
If that’s you, email me at and change the subject line to “Project Jupiter” so I know what it’s in relation to. I’m going to be choosing people over the next week.
That’s it for this week!
Big love
Jamie Smart
Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach
PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:
1. Hire me to speak at your event
If you want an entertaining and impactful keynote speech or breakout session for your conference, offsite or town hall meeting, click here
2. Apply for the 2017 intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme
If you want to be part of the class of 2017, this year’s intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme starts in September. You can find all the details and get your application in here:
3. Join the Profitable Coaches Group
Join the Profitable Coaches Professional Group and connect with the growing community of like-minded transformation professionals who are passionate about exponentially increasing their grounding, impact and their livelihood. You can join for free at
4. Join the next intake of Project Glasswing
We’re putting together a new practice-building case study group at Coaching Package Power. Stay tuned for details… If you’d like to work with me and my team on growing your practice… email Nikki at and type “Project Glasswing” in the subject line.
PLUS: check these out :
Get your free Profitable Coaches Scorecard book
Listen to the Results Mindset Podcast
Listen to The Profitable Coaches Podcast
Read the first 2 chapters of my Sunday Times Bestseller RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More