TTE111 – Larry David, Technology and Impact

Photo courtesy of Vigfús Þór Rafnsson and Flickr

It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog here.

1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
I was listening to an interview with Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and he said something I both resonated with and found inspiring. Here it is:

“I’m much more motivated by making sure that we have the biggest impact on the world than by building a business or making sure that we don’t fail. I have more fear in my life that we aren’t going to maximise the opportunity that we have, than that we mess something up and the business goes badly”

2. The best news I’ve heard in ages
One of the greatest comedy programmes ever created is Curb Your Enthusiasm. Based on the adventures of antihero Larry David (the show’s creator), it’s a joy to watch I’ve seen some of the episodes dozens of times, and my daughters both love it too. The show ran for eight seasons and (unlike most series), it got better each season. Season 8 was in 2011, and there was a big question mark over whether there would ever be another. Then, earlier this year, it was announced that season 9 was coming following a six year break. This week, HBO revealed that the new season launches on October 1st. YES! Here’s the trailer:

3. This week’s glimpse of the future
Thanks to the near-miracle of cochlear implants, people who were born deaf are hearing for the first time. In this 2-minute video, you’ll see the moment when people of all ages hear their first words. If you ever doubt that humans have the power to do wonders with technology, watch this achingly beautiful video:

4. That interview with Mark Zuckerberg
Here’s the interview I got that Zuck quote from. He’s created something which is impacting over a billion people, so my sense is that he’s someone worth listening to. I can’t link directly to the interview, but it’s the one at the top of this list today (marked BONUS: Uncut interview — Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg).

5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
The Manchester band ‘The Mock Turtles’ had a wonderful first album that they’ve never really managed to follow. Here’s a little taste of the miraculous from back in the day, Can You Dig It

One last thing: I shot the videos of the bootcamp last weekend for Project Jupiter, and it was fantastic. Great people, huge impact, and a massive endorsement that we’re on the right track with this. The programme starts officially next week. If you’ve been thinking about it, there’s still time to get on it before we start. Here’s how you’ll know if you’re right for my experiment (and vice-versa):

– You are currently in full-time employment, but…
– You want to transition from your job to something more fulfilling and “on-purpose”
– You sense that it’ll probably take 1-2 years to complete the transition, but…
– Your goal hasn’t been getting much closer; it seems to stay the same distance away
– You want to make progress, but lack clarity about either the ‘what’ or the ‘how’, and…
– You know that if you were clear on those, with a solid plan, you’d do what it takes to make it happen, and…
– You’ve been thinking about it for long enough, and you’re ready to do something about it NOW

If that’s you, email me at and change the subject line to “Project Jupiter” so I know what it’s in relation to. I’m going to be choosing people over the next week.

That’s it for this week!


Jamie Smart
Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:

1. Hire me to speak at your event
If you want an entertaining and impactful keynote speech or breakout session for your conference, offsite or town hall meeting, click here

2. Apply for the 2017 intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme
If you want to be part of the class of 2017, this year’s intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme starts in September. You can find all the details and get your application in here:

3. Join the Profitable Coaches Group
Join the Profitable Coaches Professional Group and connect with the growing community of like-minded transformation professionals who are passionate about exponentially increasing their grounding, impact and their livelihood. You can join for free at

4. Join the next intake of Project Glasswing
We’re putting together a new practice-building case study group at Coaching Package Power. Stay tuned for details… If you’d like to work with me and my team on growing your practice… email Nikki at and type “Project Glasswing” in the subject line.

PLUS: check these out :

Get your free Profitable Coaches Scorecard book

Listen to the Results Mindset Podcast

Listen to The Profitable Coaches Podcast

Read the first 2 chapters of my Sunday Times Bestseller RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More