TTE 113 – The Ozarks, Hyperloop and Freedom

Photo courtesy of Osajus and Flickr

It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog here.

1. A quote I’m resonating with this week 

I’m loving the work of the Canadian university professor, Jordan Peterson. Here’s one of his gems:

“The well-developed individual is the antidote to the tyranny of society and biology.”

2. A Netflix series I’m hooked on

I’m really enjoying the TV series, Ozark, with the wonderful Jason Bateman and Laura Linney in the leading roles. In fact I’ve got new appreciation for Laura Linney’s abilities as an actor since watching this. Great stuff!

3. A subject I’m passionate about

Freedom of speech is incredibly important, and appears to be increasingly coming under threat. Here’s a fascinating video from the aforementioned Jordan Peterson on why freedom of speech is not ‘just another value’:

4. This week’s 3 minute miracle

Beck’s first big hit, Loser, was unlike anything else I’d ever heard. He’s subsequently brought out a string of brilliant albums, and continued to break new musical ground each time. So here’s the original that he broke through with, Loser:

By the way –  the annual Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme starts this weekend. If you don’t want to have to wait another year before you do it, you can find all the details and get your application in here:

That’s it for this week!

Jamie Smart