TTE17 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – Salad, celebs and sexuality
I’ve got 5 rollicking reads for you this week. Whether they’re magic or mingin’, please let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comment section. At the end, I’ll tell you how you can get one of your #enthusiasms featured in a future edition.
1. A quote that moves me
This one comes from William Sheldon. It’s bang-on:
“Deeper & more profound than sexuality, deeper than the longing for social power, deeper than the longing for possessions, is a basic & more universal desire in human nature; the desire for an orientation. The right direction.”
2. A photograph that tickles me
Back in 2009, I started speaking my vision of “Awakened Humanity”, and it felt strange. But I was convinced of the authenticity of my insights so I kept sharing them. One of the things I said was that it was only a matter of time before a celeb picked up on these principles, then the whole game would change. Well, a few days ago, Paris Hilton shared a photograph with her 5 million Instagram followers of her on a plane with The Little Book of Clarity next to her. It got picked up by the Daily Mail here in the UK, so the word is spreading. Six years ago, something like this was just a dream, and now it’s a reality. As Thoreau once said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” If you feel inspired to do so, I’d love it if you would pop over to Facebook and share the photo.
3) A salad I love and eat most days
Many years ago (when I was 50% larger than I am now), I dreamed of enjoying eating healthy food. At the time, I referred to salad as “garnish” or “rabbit food”. As I’ve deepened my understanding of the principles behind clarity, my relationship to food, exercise and health has changed. These days, I eat more salad in the average week than I used to in the average year. Here’s my favourite: Chopped organic spinach, chopped fresh coriander, half an avocado, some feta cheese, some fresh parmesan, a diced carrot, avocado oil, balsamic vinegar, dried chilli flakes and freshly ground black pepper. Amazing! Change really is possible
4) An optical illusion that twists my melon
Remember what I said about “you’re living in a Thought-generated perceptual reality”? This short (just over a minute) video is about to show you just how mind-made your experience of reality really is!
That’s it for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just tweet one of yours and put my twitter name @jamiesmartcom and the #Enthusiasms hashtag in there so I can find it. If I’m enthusiastic about something you’re enthusiastic about, it might just get featured in a future TTE.
Big love