TTE2 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – Artists, ninjas and nasty guitar
We had a great response to the first instalment of ‘enthusiasms’ so here we go again. As before only criteria for including something here is this: I’m enthusiastic about it! Feel free to admire, adore or admonish – you can let me know what you think on my blog here:
1) An article I’m enthusiastic about
At the beginning of the year, I read this article ( ) in the British Medical Journal about an 18-year study into the links between how strong you are and how long you’re likely to live (if you don’t want to read the study, the conclusion is that the more muscular strength you have, the longer you’re likely to live).
2) A video I’m enthusiastic about
I love Charlie Chaplin’s speech from the movie The Great Dictator. Here’s what I said about the speech in my book, The Little Book of Clarity (©2015 Jamie Smart): “Artists like Chaplin are the canaries in humanity’s coal mine, sensing our emerging patterns and potentials long before they become obvious to everyone else.” Enjoy…
3) A meme I’m enthusiastic about
Or at least, it made me smile and laugh when I first saw it. Let me know if you get a chuckle out of it…
4) A musician I’m enthusiastic about
Frank Zappa is my favourite guitarist of all time, and one of the most accomplished musicians of his generation. He’s also a hero of mine because of his authenticity and commitment to his vision. Here’s a taste of him playing live in 1988 from “Watermelon in Easter Hay”. I saw him on this tour and it was amazing.
5) A book I’m enthusiastic about
Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail. Angel investor Salim Ismail has researched around 70 exponential organisations and cracked the “exponential code”. Fascinating book…
That’s all for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just send a tweet to @jamiesmartcom and put #Enthusiasms in there so I can find it. Alternatively, you can comment below. More coming next week!
Big love