TTE3 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – muscles, magicians and monopoly
Here are some more of my enthusiasms – if I’m enthusiastic about it, it’s in! Feel free to admire, adore or admonish – you can let me know what you think on my blog below
1) A website & app I’m enthusiastic about
After I read the BMJ article I mentioned last week, I decided to get strong. I found the website and app at the beginning of the year and have been doing the simple 5X5 weightlifting protocol ever since. It’s fun, highly motivating and you see big increases in strength very quickly. The 5X5 routines were originally designed by Reg Parks (Arnie’s trainer back in the day), and this stuff seriously works.
2) A comedy I’m enthusiastic about
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the brainchild of Seinfeld creator, Larry David, and one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen (it ranks with Fawlty Towers and The Office as pure comedy gold). The episodes are improvised around a multi-threaded story outline that fits together like a Chinese puzzle. Here’s a scene I love with Anton Yelchin before he played Chekov in Star Trek.
3) A visionary’s video I’m enthusiastic about
Peter Diamonds is the creator of the X-Prize, and one of the most visionary thinkers (and action-takers) on the planet. His TED talk is terrific, “Abundance Is Our Future”
4) An installation I’m enthusiastic about
I’m not actually that enthusiastic about many art installations, but this clip by artist Mehmet Ali Uysal in Belgium’s Park Chaudfontaine is wonderful.
Image courtesy of mmarsupilami
5) A game I’m enthusiastic about
I was introduced to Monopoly Deal one Christmas in LA, and have loved it ever since. My daughters and I have spent countless hours playing it.
That’s all for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just send a tweet to @jamiesmartcom and put #Enthusiasms in there so I can find it, or enter your comments below.
Big love