TTE32 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – Mandelbulbs, the Chipmans and the Tango

It’s Thursday, I must be in London. As usual, I’m enthusing. Please let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comment section.  At the end, I’ll tell you how you can get one of your #enthusiasms featured in a future edition.

1. A quote I love
This quote is from the book Images of the Future by Fred Polak, and it’s one of my favourites. In fact, I may even use it for one of the more future-focused chapters of my new book. Enjoy!

“The rise and fall of images of the future precede or accompany the rise and fall of cultures. As long as a society’s image is positive and flourishing, the flower of culture is in full bloom. Once the image begins to decay and lose its vitality, the culture does not long survive.”

2. A podcast I dig
Ankush Jain was an “early adopter” of the principles behind clarity. Over the last few years, he’s trained as a Certified Clarity Coach and transitioned from a full-time corporate job to being a one-man coaching powerhouse. One of his many projects is The Relationship Series, a set of interviews around the domain of relationships, and they’re great. Here’s one he did with my dear friends, colleagues and mentors Chip and Jan Chipman. Chip and Jan are joining me at the Clarity Life Transformation Retreat in Lanzarote this May – you can listen to their interview with Ankush on YouTube here.


3. An octogenarian woman pulls a Willy Wonka. Genius!
Watch this if you want to have your preconceptions about aging and the elderly obliterated forever!

4. Mandelbulbs… Holy moly!
Big props to @pencognito for sharing one of her #enthusiasms with me (thanks Jen). While I get a number of suggestions each week, I’ve got to love ‘em if I’m going to share ‘em, and I love these. Someone’s only gone and added a new dimension to the mandelbrot set and created mandelbulbs! (3 dimensional fractals to you, sir). These are awesome – enjoy!

5. This week’s 3-minute miracle
OK – it’s well over 3 minutes, but it’s better than a miracle; it’s PJ Harvey! From her sensational album, Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea, here’s the stunning We Float. WARNING: If you haven’t heard this song before, I counsel patience. Make sure you keep your nerve during the foreboding first 2 minutes so you can enjoy the heartbreakingly beautiful release of the chorus. That is all.

That’s it for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just tweet one of yours and put my twitter name @jamiesmartcom and the #Enthusiasms hashtag in there so I can find it. If I’m enthusiastic about something you’re enthusiastic about, it might just get featured in a future TTE. 

Big love

P.S. The latest intake of Project Glasswing is now full, so if you’d like to put your name on the waiting list for next time, just email me at and type WAITING LIST.