TTE35 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – Futures, Formats and Floor-fillers
It’s Thursday, and I’m resting before a weekend with my Clarity Trainers and the students on the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme. I’m very enthusiastic about – more details below. Please let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comment section. At the end, I’ll tell you how you can get one of your #enthusiasms featured in a future edition.
1. A quote I love
This week’s quote comes from the futurist Rohit Talwar. Talwar spends his time scanning emerging futures and speaking to industry leaders about what to expect. One of the things the research shows is that sexual fulfilment turns out to be a healthy thing! Who knew 😉
“One of the things that we know from the research is that people who are sexually fulfilled, tend to be happier, they commit less crime, they tend to be more productive in the workplace. Yet it’s one of the biggest taboos in society, and it’s something we teach people nothing about.”
2. A cool video anticipating 2025
Here’s a video of Rohit Talwar speaking on the topic "Driving forces, global challenges and potential disruptions" at the London Futurists ‘Anticipating 2025’ event a couple of years ago. Change is accelerating at a massive rate, due to the exponential nature of technology. We ain’t seen nuthin yet!
3. A book I love and own in three formats
There are only a few books that I enjoy so much that I own them in hardcopy, kindle and audiobook. Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder by Nicholas Nassim Taleb is one of them. It’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but I found this book to be brilliant, engaging and massively though-provoking. Taleb is smarter than a sackful of Nobel prize-winners, and doesn’t give a damn about what anybody else thinks. Refreshingly authentic, incisive and original. I see that the latest edition of the paperback has the tagline, “Tough times don’t last; tough people do”. Indeed!
4. A charity that’s doing amazing work
Key4Life is an innovative charity aimed at helping young men break free from the cycle of incarceration and reoffending that costs the UK taxpayer many tens of thousands of pounds per inmate per year. The charity is the brainchild of Eva Hamilton MBE, and is backed by celebs (E.g. Bob Geldof, Naughty Boy, Emily Sante) and a variety of large organisations who source mentors for the young men. The team sponsored a table at the Key4Life Gala Dinner last week, got our glad rags on and boogoed the night away. Here’s a video made by some of the young men to highlight the work Key4Life is doing.
5. This week’s 3-minute miracle
In honour of my dancing shoes, here’s that 1991 floor-filler remix of the 1986 instant classic by Candi Staton, You Got the Love.
That’s it for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just tweet one of yours and put my twitter name @jamiesmartcom and the #Enthusiasms hashtag in there so I can find it. If I’m enthusiastic about something you’re enthusiastic about, it might just get featured in a future TTE.
Big love
PS. Over the past year, we’ve run four sold-out Coaching Package Power Conferences for professional coaches and 1:1 workers. You won’t have seen any advertising for these conferences – we’ve done it all under the radar on an “invitation only” basis – but at the last one we were joined by 120 people who are passionate about making a difference as Professional Coaches and Changeworkers.
And here’s a cool thing: 60 of the people joined us from 12 countries around the world via our new, leading-edge live-streaming facilities, while the other 60 joined us live in-person in London. The conference is focused on exactly what has to happen for you to migrate to a “coaching package” model so you can increase your income and make it more stable. The results our clients are getting are far beyond our expectations, so…
We’re running the next Coaching Package Power Conference on 28-29 May. Once again, we’ll have people joining us live in London, and via our live-streaming facilities. We’ll be sending out a call for applications in the next few weeks, but for now, we just want you to save the date and indicate your interest, so email if you want the chance to apply for a place when we open the doors in the next week or so.