TTE4 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – etymology, addiction and an underground danger zone

Here are some more of my enthusiasms – if I’m enthusiastic about it, it’s in! Feel free to admire, adore or admonish – you can let me know what you think in the comment section. At the end, I’ll tell you how you can get one of your enthusiasms featured here, too.

1) A word, a field and a website I’m enthusiastic about
I love the word “enthusiasm”, which derives from the Greek words “en” and “theos”, meaning literally “The god within”. I love the idea that your enthusiasms are pointing you to the place within you where you’re most connected to life. I also love etymology (the study of the origin of words) and the indispensable online etymology dictionary.

2) A thing I’m enthusiastic about
My George Foreman Grill. This little beauty allows me to cook a steak in 2 minutes and a chicken breast in 5 minutes. No cleaning up. I just line the grill with aluminum foil which I throw away afterwards. Quick, easy and delicious.

3) A podcast I’m enthusiastic about
The “I Love Marketing” podcast by Dean Jackson and Joe Polish is a treasure trove of juicy marketing goodness. They did two episodes with me earlier this year, which you can find here alongside over 200 other episodes: episode 1 & episode 2.

4) A sign I’m enthusiastic about
My daughters and I happened upon this sign while driving through the Derbyshire countryside. To this day, I don’t know whether it was legitimate, or just a farmer’s ruse to stop us driving on his fields, but either way, I liked it enough to take a photo.

Jamie Smart TTE4

5) A TED Talk I’m enthusiastic about
I love Johann Hari’s excellent TED Talk, “Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong”. While he doesn’t point to the role that thought plays in addiction and connection, the practical results of the Portugal experiment and the other research here are at last pointing away from what doesn’t work.

That’s all for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just send a tweet to @jamiesmartcom and put #Enthusiasms in there so I can find it. If I’m enthusiastic about something you’re enthusiastic about, it might just get featured in a future TTE!

Big love,