TTE69 – Eno, The Post-office and Viral Videos
This week is an enthusiasm avalanche! Let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comments below.
1. A quotation I’m appreciating this week
Yesterday, I happened to notice my twitter feed had a message from UK drum and bass pioneer, DJ Krust. He’d been re-reading clarity and described the impact in a way I absolutely love. It’s how I felt this morning too. Here’s what he said:
“Second time around and I feel some what empty and whole!!”
2. A Labour of Love
Last week, I ran a competition to give away 3 of the advance copies of RESULTS I’d been sent by my publishers. Congratulations to the winners, Carol Chidley, Barbara Burgess and Craig McConkey. Here’s the labour of love: I’m really bad at doing tasks like going to the post office, mailing letters, etc. But yesterday, I did it, and it felt good. I got glittery gold envelopes, and sent the autographed copies, special delivery to the 3 winners. Thanks to all of you who took part.
3. A documentary I was blown away by
You may already know that Adam Curtis makes documentaries that I absolutely love. His latest film – Hypernormalisation – is a masterpiece that reveals the power of stories to shape our world. In the process, he connects Donald Trump’s campaign, ISIS, Ayatollah Hominy, Putin, the banking crisis, and all points in between. Highly recommended (and free via BBC iPlayer if you’re in the UK). Here’s the trailer:
4. Something I need your help with (my most shared video EVER!)
You may already be aware that I’m preparing to launch my new book RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More. I’m aiming to get a Sunday Times Number 1 Bestseller, and impact the live of many tens of thousands of people. One of the elements of the launch involves giving people the first two chapters of the book for free so they can try before they buy. In support of that, I’ve created several viral videos. The next step is to “prime the pump” so we can encourage people to share it, and read the free chapters. This is where I need your help. It would really mean a lot to me if you could do this one thing: Please share my video. I’m aiming to get 500 shares before the WHSmith launch (it’s their deal of the week next week) so I’d love it if you could help me out. Here’s how you do it:
A) Click on this link to go to the video on my business page and watch it (it’s 49 seconds):
B) Click the ‘Share’ button at the foot of the post (see red arrow 1 in photo below)
C) You’ll be prompted with a choice of shares. Choose “Share…” (red arrow 2), then from the drop-down menu choose “Share on your own timeline” (red arrow 3)
D) If you feel inspired to add a few words of your own, feel free, for example (copy and paste if you wish)…
“My friend Jamie Smart has created this video about unleashing your “hidden superpowers” and is giving away the first 2 chapters of his new book, RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More. You’re going to be blown away!”
E) If you feel like hitting the “Like” button, that would be great too!
If you could click the link and share the video, that would be amazing. Thanks so much.
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
One of the great things about Adam Curtis’ documentaries is the music he chooses to accompany the images. Here’s one example. It’s On Some Faraway Beach by ambient pioneer Brian Eno
That’s it for this week. Enjoy!
Big love
PS. It really would make a big difference to me if you could watch my video and share it. Thanks a million! Here’s the link: