TTE7 – The Thursday Enthusiasms – Sunrises, smoothies and Sneaky Pete

Here are my enthusiasms this week! Whether you admire, adore or admonish, please let me know what you think on my blog here. At the end, I’ll tell you how you can get one of your enthusiasms featured in this article.

1. A phenomenon I love
I love sunrises. For much of my life, I never saw them and didn't give them a second thought. These days I love getting the chance to watch the sun come up. Above is one I watched during our Clarity Life Transformation Retreat in Lanzarote earlier this year.

2. A kitchen appliance I love 
I use my Nutribullet® to make delicious smoothies every day. Here's one of my favourites: loads of organic spinach, fresh coriander, half an apple, half a lemon and some water. Yum!

3. An extraordinary musician 
Sneaky Pete Kleinow played the pedal steel on countless albums in the 1970s. If you don't know what a pedal steel is (or think they're reserved for maudlin country and western songs) listen to Sneaky Pete rip it up on this solo from "It might just be a one shot deal" by Frank Zappa and the Mothers (if the Mothers’ music is to whacko for you, fast forward to 1:48 to listen to Sneaky Pete’s blistering licks)

4. One of my heroes
Peter Diamandis is the creator of the X-Prize, author of the brilliant books "Abundance" and "Bold", and one of the most inspiring and influential people in the world. Check out his TED Talk here.

5. A video I've watched 3 times so far
A Universe From Nothing by Laurence Krauss. It's very puzzling to me that I get some of my deepest glimpses of the spiritual nature of life when watching videos by radical atheists. Krauss' Universe From Nothing is breathtakingly brilliant and beautiful. And funny! 

That’s all for this week. If you have questions, suggestions or want to let me know what you’re enthusiastic about, just tweet one of yours and put my twitter name @jamiesmartcom  and the #Enthusiasms hashtag in there so I can find it. If I’m enthusiastic about something you’re enthusiastic about, it might just get featured in a future TTE.

Big love