TTE73 – Trigger Words, Instagram and Shazam
I’m enthusing again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comments below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
This week, I listened to a fascinating interview with Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and a professor at the University of Toronto. Peterson is a somewhat controversial figure because of his views on a variety of subjects including “trigger words”, “safe spaces”, “gender pronouns” etc. Details of the interview are below, but here’s a quote that jumped out at me:
“You don’t make the world and its horrors smaller; you make the person and their capacity to deal with horror larger. You encourage them, you strengthen them. That’s what you do at a university. You arm people with arguments, you hone their intellect, you help them learn to write so they can martial their arguments. You help them learn how to engage in intellectual combat, because that’s better than engaging in real combat. You make them hard and strong. You don’t mollycoddle them and make them safe unless you’re their enemy; unless you’re trying to devour their spirit!”
2. A superb podcast episode
As mentioned above, the episode of the Joe Rogan podcast is essential listening, especially for someone who’s interested in language, people, politics or the mind. You can listen to it here:
3. My favourite Instagram pic of the week
I’ve started sharing more stuff on Instagram, and got a great response to this quote from my book RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More. If you want to follow me on Instagram, head over to and there I am!
4. An extraordinary app
The app Shazam is amazing. If you’re out in a restaurant or club and you hear a song you want to know the name of, you just take out your phone and hit the Shazam button. Shazam listens to the song, compares it with a database of a zillion tunes and comes back with the answer. I was out the other night and heard “Don’t Call Me Baby” by Madison Avenue (it has one of my favourite bass-lines, and Shazam correctly identified it for me – hurrah!) Ain’t digital technology amazing?
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
This week’s 3 minute miracle isn’t the song – it’s the video. OK Go’s video for their song, Upside Down & Inside Out is so mesmerising, I’ve watched it 5 times and haven’t really heard the song yet. Prepare to be amazed:
Thanks and big love,
PS I just did a piece of “instant research” to find out what results are most important to the people in our community, and the answers came as a bit of a shock. As a result, I’m going to do something completely off the wall (I’ll give you the research outcomes in just a second, so bear with me). Here’s what’s happening:
I’ve just had news from my publisher (Wiley) that RESULTS is definitely in the running to be a Sunday Times Bestseller! To win, we’ve got until midnight this Saturday, December 3rd for as many people as possible to buy the paperback version of RESULTS from Amazon UK. So here’s the off-the-wall bit…
When you get your copies of RESULTS by this Saturday, Dec 3, you’ll not only get your full Reward Package; I’m also going to give you FOUR additional rewards worth thousands of pounds, and completely ALIGNED with the results you and the other people in our community say you most want.
>> Get RESULTS, your Reward Package AND your four new bonuses now at
Here are the outcomes of the “instant research” I did yesterday (this is based on over 600 responses). People said their most important results at the moment are around…
30% – How to Get Clients and Build Your Business / Practice
27% – How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love
21% – How to Make More Money
11% – How to Get Fit and Healthy
8% – Love, Intimacy and Relationships
3% – How to Save Time and Be More Productive
These are all areas that are addressed, implicitly or explicitly, in my new book RESULTS (I’ll explain exactly what I mean by that in a moment), so I thought I’d sweeten the pot and include four ADDITIONAL highly relevant bonuses when you get RESULTS before Saturday midnight.
Here are the four new bonuses:
Bonus #1 – How to Get Clients and Build Your Business / Practice
When I launched my first book 3 years ago, a room full of people each paid £497 for my “Getting Clients with Clarity” bootcamp. We spent 3 days focusing on leveraging the inside-out understanding to get clients, grow your business and make a profound difference in the world. You’re going to get the full audio recordings from all 3 days.
>> Get RESULTS, your Reward Package AND your four new bonuses now at
Bonus #2 – How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love
You’re also going to get the recordings from my transformational workshop, “Passion and Purpose”; an exclusive 3-day event that was part of my £6,000 Inner Circle programme. As you listen to these audios, you’re going to get crystal clear about your life’s purpose, and in deep connection with your passions and unique abilities. This is like rocket fuel for creating a powerfully authentic life, doing what you love.
Bonus #3 – How to Make More Money
A few years ago, I did a 2-day event called “If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me The Money!” During this programme, we looked at the whole area of money, wealth and abundance from the perspective of the inside-out understanding. While I was early in my journey with the principles behind clarity, I had a really good grounding in the areas of creating money and wealth. In my experience, a few insights around money, wealth and abundance can have a BIG impact on your bank account, your ability to charge a healthy fee and to enjoy the game of money. (Thousands of people have paid £97 for this material).
Bonus #4 – Love, Intimacy and Relationships
You’re also going to get the recordings of my one-off event, “The Valentine Factor: Clarity, Connection and Relationships”, an entertaining and impactful 2-hour session where we explore the keys to help you experience genuine connection with another person, whether you’ve only just met them or you’ve known them for years. You’ll also learn a profound but simple truth about attracting the people you want in your life, and start tapping into the source of the kind of deep, organic confidence that looks good on everybody.
>> Get RESULTS, your Reward Package AND your four new bonuses now at
Here’s the thing: The topics people highlighted in my “instant research” are all covered in my new book RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More, either explicitly or implicitly, for instance:
1) How to Get Clients and Build Your Business / Practice – we’re in a “golden age” of opportunity, so Part 3 of RESULTS is all about how you can leverage this in whatever ventures you’re undertaking. There are chapters on influence, tribal engagement and value creation as well as igniting your entrepreneurial instincts.
2) How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love – Chapters 5 and 7 speak to this explicitly, and the whole book reinforces it.
3) How to Make More Money – Again, Part 3 of RESULTS is focused on how to prosper in the “Transformation Economy” and create more money, wealth, abundance and impact!
4) How to Get Fit and Healthy – This is addressed implicitly in Chapter 7, The Liberating Truth About Goals and is reinforced by everything in part one of the book.
5) Love, Intimacy and Relationships – All of Part 2 of RESULTS is focused on connection, relationships and how to be more impactful in them.
6) How to Save Time and Be More Productive – Chapter 8 – Moving from
Resistance to Action is all about productivity and how to make things happen.
>> Get RESULTS, your Reward Package AND your four new bonuses now at
As you can see, everything in RESULTS is focused around the areas most people in our community are most inspired to make progress in. Once again, I’m aiming to get a Sunday Times Bestseller and I could really do with your help. The Sunday Times will be counting each purchase of the *paperback* of my new book RESULTS in the UK (including between Sunday 6th November and Saturday 3rd December (that’s this Saturday!)
Nobody knows how many copies we need to sell to get a Sunday Times Number 1, because it’s a horse-race; basically, if more people buy a copy of RESULTS than any other book in its category, we’ll get to number 1.
So here’s how you can help: Head over to and grab your copy (or copies) of RESULTS with your reward package and the four extra bonuses. You’ll really be helping me out, and if RESULTS gets to number 1, you’ll be helping tens of thousands or even *millions* of people out.
Millions of people? Yes, millions.
Here’s why. The reason I’m so passionate about RESULTS is this: In 2009 I had an insight, and realized the principles behind clarity represented the future of psychology, and an end to chronic psychological suffering; the suffering that causes so many of our problems as individuals, societies and as a global community. I intuitively knew that something so groundbreaking would need two things: credibility and reach. I saw right away that the best way to achieve both of these would be by writing books, so I reorganized my priorities to make this possible.
My first two books, CLARITY and The Little Book of Clarity made a strong start in establishing credibility for this understanding, as well as reaching over 50,000 people (so far). My purpose in writing RESULTS is to reach many more people, and help people see how intensely practical this understanding is. My firm belief is that the fastest way to prove the validity of this approach is through the results people get through understanding it.
While many of those results will be “external” (E.g. relationships, physical health, finances, businesses etc), some of the most important results will be “internal” (E.g. peace of mind, presence, clarity, connection, wellbeing, security etc).
If RESULTS gets to number 1, tens of thousands of people will read it. If tens of thousands of people read it, each of those people will impact dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people.
Hence, millions.
Please go to and grab your copy (or copies) of RESULTS with your reward package and your four bonuses. It’ll mean a lot to me, and you’ll be changing *other peoples’ * lives as well as your own.
Thanks and big love
PPS The count finishes Saturday at midnight, and the four extra bonuses are only available until then, so Get RESULTS, your Reward Package AND your four new bonuses now at