TTE75 – Iteration, Instagram and Bittersweet Beauty

Photo courtesy of Bernard Goldbach and Flickr 

We’ve got enthusiasms galore! Let me know what you think via twitter at @jamiesmartcom, on my Facebook page here, or in the comments below.

1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
Ed Catmull is the president of Pixar animation, creator of some of the most innovative and popular animations in history (think Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Ratatouille etc.) Here’s what he says about Pixar’s iterative development process:

“Early on, all of our movies suck. That’s a blunt assessment, I know, but I… choose that phrasing because saying it in a softer way fails to convey how bad the first versions of our films really are. I’m not trying to be modest or self-effacing by saying this. Pixar films are not good at first, and our job is to make them go… from suck to non-suck. We are true believers in the iterative process – reworking, reworking and reworking again, until a flawed story finds its throughline or a hollow character finds its soul.”

2. The latest piece of mindblowing VR technology
The google tiltbrush allows you to paint 3D pictures in space. I want one! Watch the video here:

3. Something I’m passionate about
(TRUE / FALSE) “I’ll be happy when I get a Sunday Times Bestseller”. A couple of clients mentioned to me last week that there had been lots of chatter about the launch of RESULTS and how it was promoted. Clarity Coach and Trainer-in-training, Lizzie Paish, was one of the 2 (two!) people who spoke to me about this directly. When she heard my answers, she asked if she could interview me about it. If you want to see behind the scenes and hear my answers, you can watch the interview here.

4. A bit of my personal philosophy (Parental Warning: Explicit Language)
Here’s my most “liked” instagram post of the past week. If you want to stay in touch with me on instagram and see all my photos (and quotos), you can follow me at


5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
“Do you realize you have the most beautiful face? Do you realize we’re floating in space?” From the opening line of The Flaming Lips’ bittersweetly beautiful classic, “Do You Realize??”, I’m smitten. Every time. There are some songs that never get old. This is one of them: By the way, if you haven’t heard the album it’s taken from, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is well worth 40 minutes of your life.

Thanks and big love,

PS The next instalment of Project Glasswing is due to kick off in the new year. If you’d like to be considered for the latest intake of this programme, I’m looking for 36 very specific people:

– You are a coach, therapist or change-worker (Eg. Sports coach, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, business coach, bodyworker etc)
– You have at least one year’s experience of working with clients (either paid, pro-bono or both)
– You probably charge by the hour, but want to use a “coaching package” model and increase your income
– You have room to work with at least one longer term contract client, starting in February 2017
– You want to take your practice to the next level in 2017, and are willing to put step out of your comfort zone if necessary
– You’re an enthusiastic, friendly people-person
– You have a coachable spirit, and
– You can keep a secret

If that’s you, then email me at, and let me know where you’re located and a little about yourself (if you don’t know what to tell me about, look at the list above for inspiration). Change the subject line to “Project Glasswing TTE”. I’ll be choosing people in the next couple of weeks. Talk to you soon!