TTE86 – Bojack, Luddites and Deliveroo
Photo courtesy of Akuppa John Wigham and Flickr
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog here.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
‘Today, the Luddites are generally seen as wrong-headed and backward technophobes, when in fact they were not anti-technology,
but, in the words of Ronnie Bray, “anti-starvation.” Suffice it to say, that had automation delivered on its promise
to maintain or create jobs, at least in the short term, there would have been no Luddite backlash.’
2. A subject I’m enthusiastic about
The world is going through an extraordinary transformation at the moment, driven in large part by exponential technologies. This is an enormous social experiment that is having very real effects, and that will profoundly change the face of work / employment. Here’s an interesting article from the American Spectator magazine that I pulled the quote above from. Food for thought. This is “The End of Jobs” by Christopher Orlett
3. Another glimpse of the future
How can we safely dispose of all those used carrier bags? With plastic eating mushrooms of course! We live in interesting times, my friends.
4. An app I love (at my peril)
When I’m at my laziest, the only barrier to eating bad food has been the distance I need to travel to collect it. But no more! Deliveroo has “Uberised” food delivery. They’ve even got an app that lets you track your food as it travels from the restaurant to your plate.
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
Listening to the wonderful podcast “Song Exploder” I came across the theme tune for the TV show, “Bojack Horseman”. Bojack’s Theme by Patrick Carney is wonderfully weird and groovy. Plus, it’s got great horn parts, which pretty much guaranteed it would be love at first listen. Enjoy!
That’s it!
Thanks and big love,
PS The current instalment of Project Glasswing is underway, and we’re turning our sights on Glasswing 8. If you’d like to be considered for the next intake of this programme, we’ve got 36 places and expect it to be fully booked by the time we start, as usual. Here’s how you’ll know if you’re a good fit:
– You are a coach, therapist or change-worker (Eg. Sports coach, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, business coach, bodyworker, consultant etc)
– You have at least one year’s experience of working with clients (either paid, pro-bono or both)
– You probably charge by the hour, but want to use a “coaching package” model and increase your income
– You have room to work with at least one longer term contract client, starting in May 2017
– You want to take your practice to the next level in 2017, and are willing to put step out of your comfort zone if necessary
– You’re an enthusiastic, friendly people-person
– You have a coachable spirit, and
– You can keep a secret
If that’s you, then email me at, and let me know where you’re located and a little about yourself (if you don’t know what to tell me about, look at the list above for inspiration). Change the subject line to “Project Glasswing TTE”. I’ll be choosing people in the next couple of weeks. Talk to you soon!