Virtual Clarity

Peter McLinton live-streamed when he did the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme this year.

In this 90-second video Peter talks about his realisation that you don’t need to be in the room with somebody in order to experience human connection and facilitate profound shifts.  As a result, he’s now super-comfortable with working remotely with clients ((as well as saving lots of money on hotels and travelling to London).

It’s a whole new world!

Big love


PS The price is going up on Friday August 18th, but if you get your application in this week, we’ll hold the current Coach Training price for you:

What this means for you is that the 2017/18 Certified Clarity Coach Training programme will be coming to your home.

Last year, we made a huge investment in our live streaming capabilities and the results have been phenomenal. The feedback from last year’s participants was that it ‘was just as good as being in the room’. Then, during the final module, we beta-tested our brand new virtual reality camera, and the results were incredible.

>>> You can get all the details and submit your application here:

Something else you might not have realised is, since Britain voted to leave Europe this has had a massive impact on the strength of the pound. So, what does that mean for you? Essentially, because the exchange rate is so low and the pound is so cheap, you get to save around 30%! So, if you are considering joining us – now’s the time!

>>> You can get all the details and submit your application here: