TTE 183 – Wave, Watts and Wonderland X
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or in the comments below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
This quote from the wonderful author Philip K Dick never gets old for me:
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”
2. Something I’m blown away by (Wonderland X)
I met Kate E. Stokes about 18 months ago when she was early in her exploration of the principles behind clarity. She told me about a vision she had for using Virtual Reality films to give people a rich, 3D experience of the inside-out nature of life.
Later Kate told me about some stories she was working on, based on Alice In Wonderland, but adapted to give people a glimpse of the principles behind our experience.
I said it sounded amazing.
Fast forward a few months, and she’d received funding from YouTube to make the films, and they launched a few weeks ago. The result is “Wonderland X”. If you’ve got VR goggles, put them on, but you can also watch them on a regular screen. As Kate puts it…
Follow the White Rabbit… Join Alice in Wonderland as she explores the nature of human experience. Fall down the rabbit hole of how reality is really created and return to your own Wonderland with a greater understanding of where Insight, resilience and clarity come from. Fall blissfully out of your thinking…
You can watch the films on YouTub here:
3. This week’s glimpse of the future
Alibaba’s warehouse can process 18,000 parcels an hour by using sorting robots. This is a mind-blowing glimpse of the future that’s already with us:
4. Something that’s close to my heartAs you may know, our mission as a company is to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing. One of the realisations we’ve had is that to do that, we need to have a lot more people who are comfortable and effective at sharing the principles behind clarity.
As a next step towards that, I’ve just been creating a new video series called, “The Step-By-Step Guide to Sharing the Principles Like a Pro”
Whatever you call it… whether you’ve had insights into the 3 principles, had a realisation about your true nature, been resonating with the inside-out understanding or been touched by what I call ‘subtractive psychology’…
If you want to share this understanding in a way that feels natural and comfortable – in a way that has the people around you having their own life-changing insights – then this concise free video-series is designed for you.
(Of course, if you’re already sharing the principles professionally, feel free to go have a look and see how what I’m saying squares with your experience).
We’re releasing the videos this week. Here are the titles of the seven videos:
- Video 1 – What Does It Really Take to Share The Inside-out Understanding?
- Video 2 – The Only 2 Things You Need to Be Sure Of
- Video 3 – An Essential Distinction ( or “Why You Don’t Need be to Able to ‘Explain’ the Principles”)
- Video 4 – The Shortcut to Sharing This With Anybody
- Video 5 – Finding Your Voice: Being Yourself and Awakening Others
- Video 6 – Debunking the Myths and Limiting Beliefs That Hold People Back
- Video 7 – Share the Principles Like a Pro With Anybody, on Any Topic, in Any Situation
I guarantee that just going through this video series will have an impact on your ability to share what you’ve realised in a way that feels natural and has people wanting to hear more – stuff that you can put into action and see real-world results immediately – as long as you watch each video and answer the questions I put to you while you’re watching them (and you can relax – they’re questions you’re going to realise you know the answers to).
By the way – we’re taking the series down at the end of April, so let’s get moving!
Would you like to watch the videos? You can get free access to the whole series here.
(If you’ve been feeling uncomfortable or nervous about sharing what you’ve learned, I’ve got some good news for you: The fact that you’ve been touched by this understanding means that you have the capacity to share it with others, in a way that fits perfectly with who you really are.)
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
I’ve recently become aware of Akira the Don, a DJ and musician who’s creating a new music genre he calls ‘meaningwave’. He takes clips of inspirational speakers and mixes them into lofi hiphop soundscapes. Sounds dreadful, right? WRONG! It’s brilliant. Here’s a taste of his Alan Watts piece called, “Ordinary Everyday Consciousness. Enjoy!
That’s it for this week!
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach
PS We’ve only got ONE place left… Of the 12 places on this year’s Clarity Life Transformation Retreat which I’m leading with my dear friends and mentors, Jan and Chip Chipman, 11 of the places have been taken.The information about the retreat is here:
The dates are 12-18 May, and it’s a significant financial investment (£5,495), but if you think you could be the right person for that last spot, hit reply to this email, change the subject line to RETREAT and tell me a little bit about yourself. We can jump on a call and find out if it’s good fit for you and vice-versa. Jamie