TTE 178 – Whodunnit?
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
I came across a letter from Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Priestley written in 1780. While humanity has now gone far beyond what Franklin imagined when it comes to the physical sciences, it seems to me that we’re just on the threshold of what he hoped for in the domain he calls ‘moral science’:
“The rapid Progress true Science now makes, occasions my Regretting sometimes that I was born so soon. It is impossible to imagine the Height to which may be carried in a 1000 Years the Power of Man over Matter. We may perhaps learn to deprive large Masses of their Gravity & give them absolute Levity, for the sake of easy Transport. Agriculture may diminish its Labour & double its Produce. All Diseases may by sure means be prevented or cured, not excepting even that of Old Age, and our Lives lengthened at pleasure even beyond the antediluvian Standard. O that moral Science were in as fair a Way of Improvement, that Men would cease to be Wolves to one another, and that human Beings would at length learn what they now improperly call Humanity.”
2. Apprenticeships, intensives and 1:1 coaching
Some of our most fiercely guarded beliefs are our ideas about what’s real and what’s not. I’m not talking about the beliefs we chat about at dinner parties; I’m talking about the things we use to navigate every single day of our lives.
And when I work at a super-deep level with clients to help them realise who they really are, that’s what I’m taking clients outside of – outside of their current idea of how reality works. It’s like a journey into the unknown because I know where we’re headed (spoiler alert: they’re going to realise who they really are and the world is going to become their adventure playground) but I never know the exact route we’ll take to get there (it’s an adventure for my client AND for me, so it’s not for the faint of heart).
I’ll be sending out an email in the next week or two about the Apprentice places I’ve got opening up in March. In the meantime, here are some interviews I’ve done with people who have worked with me in this deep way. Enjoy!
– Chantal Burns (leadership coach, consultant, speaker and author of the #1 bestselling book, “Instant Motivation”)
– Elaine Hilides (coach and author of the #1 bestselling book “MindFullness: The No-diet Diet Book”)
– Marina Pearson (coach, trainer and author of the #1 bestselling book “Goodbye Mr Ex: A Woman’s Guide To Moving On”)
– Kimberley Hare (coach, consultant, trainer and author of “The He’Art of Thriving”)
– Ankush Jain (coach, speaker and trainer)
– Ian Selby (Business owner and entrepreneur)
– Jim Lewcock (CEO of The Specialist Works, selected as one of the Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to Work For)
– Ani Patel (Entrepreneur and award-winning pharmacy owner)
– Chris Norton (director of Mentor Group, and author of “The DNA of Success” and co-author of “Bareknuckle Customer Service”)
– Colin Hunter (CEO of Potential Squared, a consultancy that works with Fortune 500 companies developing refreshingly direct leadership of innovation and change)
3. This week’s glimpse of the future
In a world first reconstruction, a woman from Melbourne, Australia has been fitted with a 3D printed jaw and teeth after her own were removed due to cancer.
4. Weight loss
Last year, I created an “unpacked” video of a 1:1 High-impact Coaching Demo, and it got a big response, so I thought I’d share it with you again. Here’s why:
One of the best ways to learn a new skill or improve an existing one is to watch and observe a live demonstration in real time.
In the video, you’re going to see me unpacking a 1:1 coaching session I did with Pam Featherstone (Pam is a coach who took her coaching business from zero to £1 million + in under 3 years and became Action Coach’s no.1 global coach of the year.)
You’re going to see me working with Pam on caring for her own health and wellbeing and (as you’ll see), it resulted in her experiencing a big improvement in her levels of health, fitness and weight-loss. Here are some of the essentials you’re going to get an insight into:
I’ll pause the video every minute or so and take you behind the scenes, showing you:
– What Pam’s doing or saying that I’m responding to
– Why I’m asking the questions I ask and using the metaphors I use
– Where I’m going next with Pam
You can watch the whole ‘unpacked’ video here:
5. This week’s 3-minute miracle
The Reindeer Section’s 2002 album, Son of Evil Reindeer was a corker. Full of melodic beauties, it was topped off by my favourite track, Whodunnit. Aidan Moffat’s laconic vocals are incredible. Enjoy!
That’s it for this week!
Jamie Smart