How to get a free signed copy of The Little Book of Clarity
** The Little Book of Clarity Photo Competition (updated to include twitter, Facebook & Instagram)
I’m excited to announce that I’m going to be giving away 50 signed copies of The Little Book of Clarity over the next few weeks. So how do you get your own free signed copy of The Little Book of Clarity? Simple: Go into a bookshop that has The Little Book of Clarity in its bestseller charts or in a store display, take a photo of yourself with the book, then share it with your followers. The first 50 people to do this will get a free signed copy of The Little Book of Clarity. Here are the competition rules…
1) Your photo must include you holding a copy of The Little Book of Clarity
2) The Little Book of Clarity must also be clearly visible in the store charts / display behind you or next to you (see Mark and Henrietta’s pictures above)
3) Your face must be clearly visible (see Mark and Henrietta’s pictures above)
4) You must share the photo with your followers on either twitter, Facebook or Instagram
5) Your tweet must include the following phrase —> #LittleBookofClarity by @jamiesmartcom
6) Then, just email a screenshot of your tweet/post (including photo) to with a copy of your postal address to claim your free book.
7) No purchase necessary. Only one entry per household.
The book is definitely available in WH Smith travel stores (ie. Airports, Railway Stations and Motorway Services) but is NOT in their High Street shops. By the way, if you don’t live near a bookshop that stocks the book, or aren’t on twitter, that's OK. We’ll be launching a new competition that you’ll be able to join into soon. Just make sure you’ve got your copy of The Little Book of Clarity ordered now so it’s in your hands when the next competition starts.
>> You can get your copy of The Little Book of Clarity here
Good luck, and enjoy!
Wishing you increasing clarity,
Big love