YEPP 03: Kim Kaase – Your Client Has The Answers
Released 29 August 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
Certified Transformative Coach Kim Kaase used her creativity and 25 years of experience in corporate America to build her practice, LEAP Business Coaching, from the ground up. She works with Fortune 100 companies and some of the world’s leading firms in design and related fields in the areas of leadership, sales and business development. And one of the interesting things about Kim is that she has the ability to see a person’s uniqueness, even if they can’t yet see it themselves.
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In 2006, Kim was working with a very successful leadership team at a corporate company. With excellent leadership skills she was able to have an opportunity to attend a transformative leadership course.
Kim knew right away she wanted to do this type of work in the future, so she hired a coach and started working with her first clients as she set on her path.
She jumped full-time in to her practice in 2012 and tells us about a major shift in her practice where her philosophy and how she worked with people changed.
Kim had a few realizations while starting out in her practice; learning that she didn’t have to ‘fix’ anyone, (and) that her role was more of a catalyst to get her clients to their goal.
Kim leaves a piece of advice saying there is not one way to create a coaching practice.
Kim discovered along the way that the beauty of coaching is you can create it the way you want it.
“I saw people change; I saw myself change in ways that were just incredible.”
“My clients, they already had what they needed to make the change they wanted to make, and philosophically that realization to me made a big difference in my coaching practice.”
“I think early on I was really looking for that golden nugget to know how to structure my practice, to know what to do, what not to do.”