YEPP 07: Phil Lewis – Being Willing to Walk Away
Released 21 September 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
Phil Lewis is an experienced consultant and marketing strategist who works with Fortune 500 companies to help create lasting innovation. And one of the interesting things about Phil is that he believes clients need two things: empathy and brutal commercialism.
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Phil started out his career in the advertising and marketing industry. He soon noticed that very good clients were making bad decisions creatively. He discovered that he was more interested in helping clients solve their own problems instead of directly solving it for them.
He says that the journey to starting his business for himself wasn’t always smooth, as he was facing some big learning curves. Still, being an entrepreneur was a great fit for him.
During the early stages of Phil’s business, he had a realization after he scored a large contract. Although he was extremely happy to win the contract, he realized that the highs and the lows will come and go but the trick was to control his emotions either way, but still making sure to celebrate victories.
When Phil was asked about working with large companies and businesses he says he takes the approach of working with the business on a equal level, to be sure not to make it a master/servant relationship, which could result in skewed information.
He shares how he organically gets his clients and how he takes 3-4 mornings a week meeting potential clients face-to-face. Phil gives a tip about knowing where the conversation ends and the paid consulting begins.
One of the most important things about doing business is to make sure that you and your clients are a fit. If you are not a good fit , you are doing yourself and your clients a disservice.
“Helping them get more happy at work, helping them be more innovative and ultimately helping to make better decisions.”
“On the downside, there were some quiet and low times but actually it also proved to be a journey that’s way more exhilarating and interesting than anything I’ve actually found working for other people”
“You can’t just navigate by the peaks and troughs, you have to learn that the good stuff is great when it happens but actually it is going to come to an end. The important thing is to keep going.”
“For us it’s a people game. So really what we are looking to do a lot of the time is to have people we know to introduce us to others which becomes easier the more our reputation grows.”