YEPP 10: Clare Tanner – The Art of Not Knowing
Released 12 October 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
Clare Tanner is a leadership coach with over 20 years experience in leading and coaching individuals, teams and organisations. And one of the interesting things about Clare is she has lots of experience and expertise in the delivery of complex transformation programmes.
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Clare was fortunate to grow up in a culture where pushing for greatness and improving herself was a daily goal. She was able to do that through sports, dance and other competitive outlets.
This sparked her interest in how people can improve and develop themselves. While obtaining her business degree, she became fascinated on the ways and reasons why some businesses excel and some do not. Clare realized that the common denominator was people, so from there she entered into the corporate world.
She was very successful in the corporate world but there came a time when she felt she had done all she could for the company she was working for. One day she decided she wanted to help more people develop themselves and their companies.
In order to define her own success, she set her values and principals in order to make sure she could honor herself and her beliefs while on the journey of starting her business.
There are three major principals that Clare advises when dealing with a client or an organization: Creating space for you while taking time to invest in yourself, making space to work on your business and not just in your business and fully embracing the actual work you are delivering.
Slowing down and giving the process the time it needs, asking more questions, and really connecting is allowing her to impact her clients in a bigger way.
With that trust, Clare tells her clients the answer is within them and that most people are overwhelmed and in a fog when they come to her. Once they together put things into perspective, the clients recognize that they are in that position in their company for a reason and can normally come to that conclusion on their own.
“I reached a point where I wanted to support more people, a wider audience of people, to understand how to get the best from themselves and how to develop their organisations.”
“For me there were certain elements of my work that I really really loved. I loved developing people and the aspects of being a leader and I loved seeing people grow and develop.”
“We are our business, for all intensive purposes you know we as human beings are transformational so for me it is just really helpful in terms of our awareness of what we are focusing on.”
“Ultimately spending that time with them just allows me to deepen my connection with them and that builds trust.”
“You are essentially on a journey of change. They want to change something about how they see their current reality.”