YEPP 13: Ian Selby – A Clear Mind Produces Results
Released 02 November 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
In this week’s episode of Your Exponential Practice Podcast, we’re going to be doing something a little different. I’m about to launch a new show called The Results Mindset Podcast, so I thought I’d give you a sneak preview this week. You see, the show is particularly relevant to transformation professionals, because each show, I’m going to be talking to people who have gone through profound transformations as clients, and are creating extraordinary results. And these are the things that your clients pay you for.
And the very first episode is with business owner Ian Selby. Now, I did a 3-day, CEO 1:1 Intensive with Ian a few years ago, and I tell the story of our session in my new book RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More. But the interesting thing about this interview, is that we’re going to get Ian’s side of the story, and this is something you may not hear so often, you know, the client’s perspective on the experience of transformation. You’ll also hear how Ian’s life has continued to transform since we worked together.
You can subscribe to the Results Mindset podcast for free at, and you can download the first two chapters of my new book, RESULTS at, and this includes some of the ideas we’re going to be talking about, so you might even want to have a quick look at that before listening to this show.
Connect with Ian
“The Inside-Out Revolution” by Michael Neill
“Clarity” by Jamie Smart
Featured Show Highlights
Ian’s journey started with him reading a book called, “The Inside-Out Revolution” by Michael Neill, and it has changed his life completely.
Ian and Jamie first connected after Ian read Jamie’s book, Clarity. Shortly after, they started working together doing projects like coaching intensive programs.
He considers the intensive as a turning point in his life for who he was as a person and says that the change was “amazing.”
Ian previously had limiting beliefs about himself and the world around him.
He talks about the changes that have happened in his life both personally and professionally.
He shares that these principals had an awakening impact on him personally. He now has a better relationship with himself and his family members, including strengthening his relationship with his children. Since Ian has been working with his employees on these principals, he is also seeing positive effects in his staff.
Ian wants to share these principals around the world. Currently he has been working with communities like Subic Bay in the Philippines, religious groups and Rotary clubs.
“I came out a completely different person.”
“I saw the beliefs that I was holding that made me see the world in a certain way and over the course of three days somehow those beliefs were exposed and disappeared.”
“Regardless of what is going on you can listen to people, people listen to you, there is a flow in the business and results come from that.”
“That’s really great for any employer to hear, that their staff are having benefits in their own lives in their own home with regards to love, connection and ability to communicate.”
“I think every human being on the planet, if they have an understanding of the principals, they will have a better experience of life.”