YEPP 15: Mahima Shrestha – Putting Insight On The Table
Released 23 November 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
Mahima Shrestha is a crisis management consultant who’s passionate about bringing people together, finding solutions to complex problems and facilitating long-term change in culture and communities. And one of the interesting things about Mahima is that she’s got a background in journalism and PR.
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“A Curious Mind” by Brian Grazer
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What started Mahima’s journey as a transformational coach is like many things in her businesses; she just followed the next step that came.
One thing that Mahima has discovered is that no matter the training or knowledge about a subject, something happens inside peoples’ heads that can either help them reach that goal or your mind just interferes at the moment you need it. That is what really got her attention.
In terms of state of mind, people are getting trapped with looking too far into the future or looking others to determine what should be happening or what way is right, but we are just getting in our own way.
When Mahima is working with her clients, she has realized all the answers are in how she listens to the client.
One of the first things that Mahima realized is how much impact a simple human conversation can have and because we want to help people we make things hard that do not have to be.
She shares that her journey down this path started very organically and by her seeing that there were things she was doing that were not helpful to her and things that her and her clients collectively doing that were not helpful.
She adds that when she goes to conferences she is always genuinely interested in what businesses are doing and how they run. She takes the opportunity to engage with a lot of these people for interest and for business.
Curiosity is a non-transactional interest in someone or something, and following your curiosity can lead you to very important knowledge.
“I’ve always been interested in people and performance, but it was never my main gig.”
“I feel like the ideas are already there, because I realize that the minute that I stop looking so forwardly in that particular basket where I am convinced it is going to be, I see that there is something blindingly obvious that is a very small and simple immediate next step.”
“The answers are going to come from them really, not from me.”
“We are honest in our wanting to help people, we forget it is already there I don’t have to do anything or manufacture anything.”
“To me opportunity and connection are the same thing.”
“We somehow get used to thinking that curiosity has to have a point, but I just think curiosity is so natural.”