YEPP 16: Ankush Jain – The Power of Giving Up
Released 07 December 2016 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
Ankush Jain is a successful coach and a leader in the coaching community. He has spoken at conferences in the USA and Europe, and works with clients from around the world, helping them achieve extraordinary results. And one of the interesting things about Ankush is that he runs Immersion events for men and women around the subject of showing up more powerfully in life.
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What sparked Ankush’s interesting in becoming a transformational professional was his own personal development that he had done over the years.
People that knew Ankush told me he should do this for a living, but at the time he thought of personal development as more of a hobby. Looking back, he realizes that he was just a bit scared.
Four years ago he was considering a career change and spent many months considering what he wanted to do. He says he “gave up”, and when he did that, the next day he had the inspiration that he should be a coach.
One of the first big insights that Ankush realized was that life, or personality, isn’t fixed. Through his own development, he also discovered that personal relationships don’t have to be a fixed entity.
In addition to running his Immersion events and coaching others, Ankush is in the process of writing a book. The theme of this book is discovering who we really are, and how powerful we all can be.
He’s always been fascinated with the reason why he can hire a coach or read a book and get something from it, when others don’t.
Ankush says that he is in his own place of “knowing”, which helps him as a transformational professional help others.
He used to live in a world where he had to show that he was doing well and he couldn’t be vulnerable. He says the first step is to admit when you’re not performing at your peak, and then the potential for growth will be so much more.
Like anything Ankush has ever done, to get better at coaching it required practice. He notes that he has become a better coach as he has implemented what he has learned, and learned from his own mistakes.
In terms of business, his biggest realization was how important it was for transformational professionals to have their own coaches.
He does mention that you need to do your own due diligence when selecting a coach, and don’t expect that person to “fix” you.
Ankush has purposely spent a lot of time with very successful coaches to see how they were doing things. His biggest surprise from doing this was discovering that the ones who were making the most money seemed to also be the most generous.
In terms of purpose, when he first started out it was just to do a job that he enjoyed doing. Now it’s become so much more than that and Ankush sees that he wants to help others as he has been helped.
“I got more and more fascinated that I could learn about things and very quickly see practical changes in my life”
“When you keep looking at something long enough, it doesn’t go away”
“Part of me knew that if I went ahead with it, it was going to work out, because once I decide to do something, I really do it”
“For me, it’s like cutting through layers and layers and layers of misunderstanding”
“If we wait until we’re ready, it just seems to be a longer route to heading in the direction we want to go”
“The money that I’ve invested in coaching has always paid off”
“The shifts that people have gone through are beyond anything that I had ever seen prior to me becoming a coach”