YEPP 27: Dr Mark Howard – Happiness, Certainty and Understanding

Released 10 May 2017     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

Dr Mark Howard is a licensed psychologist and a very experienced therapist, teacher, and trainer of trainers. Mark is one of the pioneers who first brought the principles behind clarity into the field of psychology. And one of the interesting things about Mark is that he spearheaded bringing these principles to Santa Clara County’s Department of Alcohol and Drug Services.


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Dr Howard has always worked with people and helped them self-actualize and become more of themselves. After working in a psychiatry unit for many years, he knew that he wanted to continue his work outside of an organisation or corporation. (1:54)

Mark said he always thought feeling meant something, that they were a product of his environment and circumstances, but he came to an insight that feeling were made of nothing. (4:55)

Mark started sharing these principles with his staff and noticed some changes happening within the group in regards to being helpful and more lighthearted with each other. As he also started sharing his finding with his recovering addiction clients, he noticed major transformations. (12:50)

When it came to Mark leaving the major medical centre and starting out on his own venture, he already had the grounding and understanding of the principles and the client experience. What he didn’t have was the experience on how to get his name out there. To overcome this he went to organisations in his community and asked to speak at their lunch time and dinner meetings. (29:40)



“I knew I had an understanding that could take people to realize their true spiritual nature” (2:28)

“I realised that I make up my feelings, they are just created, there is nothing to them.” (4:33)

“The thing I noticed through the years of our program when people did relapse they didn’t go out on a long run. They would come back and ask for help.” (15:12)

“When people have hope and had already seen something from this understanding and brought it into their lives, they want it again.” (15:35)

“Just do your idea despite the insecurities; don’t wait to get a deep understanding of thought so the insecurities go away.” (37:04)


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