YEPP 28: Juan Quesada – The Basic Rule is Love

Released 24 May 2017     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

Juan Quesada is an executive coach and facilitator who runs powerful retreats sharing the principles behind clarity with individuals and organisations. And one of the interesting things is that last time I interviewed Juan, he was about to hand in his notice at his job as an account executive for the company SAP. Even then, he was earning more as a coach than he was in his role as an account executive.


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The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler


Featured Show Highlights

Less than two years ago Juan was not familiar with the personal development world at all. A friend recommended that he go to see Jamie speak, and his journey started at that point. (0:48)

Juan is able to serve his clients so greatly by understanding in depth the mechanics of the mind and how the mind works. He believes your own understanding of where your feelings are coming from and how your mind works will be the complete advantage you need to be successful. (6:18)

He was able to build his coaching practice by investing in mentors. Juan says mentors are needed in this line of work and the value it gives you is worth far more than the money you invest. (11:30)

Juan was an account executive for a major company before his coaching practice and went through many sales training programs. However, since becoming a coach, his outlook on selling has changed drastically. (19:15)



“I understood something very profound about the mechanics of the human mind, and that understanding changed my life”  (1:12)

“The only way to have a successful life, a life you enjoy, a life full of peace and balance will be to discover your own limits, your own beliefs.” (10:17)

“The basic rule that should measure your interaction with people is love. When you really care and when you really do your best for people to see that they are suffering.”  (20:46)


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