YEPP 32: Andreas Kullberg – Understanding Is The Key

Released 19 July 2017     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

Andreas Kullberg is a performance coach who’s been coaching for 13 years and working with groups for 10 years. He works with a diverse range of people, from athletes to businesses, and one of the interesting things about Andreas is that one of the things he’s most proud of is a programme called ”Mental Training for Parents” which helps parents to understand and see that from a place of clarity you can be the greatest parent you can be for your children.

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Andreas’ Website


Featured Show Highlights

• Andreas discovered a more efficient way of helping people by doing this (1:29)

• The insight that made the biggest impact on Andreas when learning these principles, which enabled him to serve his clients better (5:24)

• The biggest difference he notices in his clients since learning they have been learning the principles (7:56)

• Why our feelings come from our thoughts – and not by other peoples’ actions (16:07)


“I discovered I could have those feelings, lack of courage or feeling not enough, and still move through them and that was actually fascinating that I could still almost walk through it” (4:57)

“I haven’t stopped learning, that’s one of the things I love about life. That there are so many possibilities, so many chances, so many opportunities for people to just keep learning.” (19:35)

“I just love to be able to make a space for people” (21:39)