FSOC – You’ve got a tiger by the tail

“You’ve got a tiger by the tail, my friend.” 

I started having insights into the principles behind clarity in 2009, and wondered, “How can you surround yourself with people who are looking in this direction?”

I started travelling the world, connecting with, learning from and interviewing people whose lives had been profoundly impacted by this understanding.

One day, I was having a conversation with Dicken Bettinger and told him I’d realised these principles were the future of psychology; that I was all-in. He said something I found intriguing.

“You’ve got a tiger by the tail, my friend.”

I was puzzled by this curious statement. The principles had already had a profound and positive impact on my life. I was living in a beautiful feeling much of the time, and I was fired with a passion to share this understanding with the world. I was experiencing more peace, connection and well-being than ever.

What tiger?!?

13 years later, I think I understand what he meant.

You see, while my conviction in the wisdom and intelligence of these principles continues to grow, I still have my ups and downs. I have times when I get stuck, or stalled and struggle to discern the way forward.

And here’s what I’ve seen: At some point, we get a glimpse of the truth of the principles, and of who we really are. Some people have the good fortune to spend an extended period (days, weeks, months or in some cases even years) living in the feeling of that glimpse much of the time.

However, for most people (myself included), it’s not like that.

For most of us, we get those glimpses from time to time, but our ‘everyday normal’ still contains much of the familiar territory of our old conditioning.

But here’s what I’ve seen…

Over time, if we stay ‘on the path’, and allow ourselves to be guided by wisdom, that conditioning gets gradually burned away by the flame of insight, and we live more and more in the truth of who we really are.

And here’s what I’ve noticed…

When we feel stuck, stagnant or struggling, our “stuckness” often contains the spark that can reduce our conditioning to ashes and clear the way to our liberation.

And that process of transmuting stuckness into stepping-stones is one my beloved Emma McDevitt and I are both fascinated by.

This week, in the run-up to the holidays we’re doing a free one-hour Zoom session where we’ll be exploring the 5 main obstacles that stop people from sharing their gifts and bringing their unique expression to life.

Some of the things we’ll likely be exploring include:

– When taking a leap of faith looks properly insane
– Tuning in to your inner guidance
– An unexpected pitfall that can come with a deep connection
– That whole ‘transmuting obstacles’ piece
– And lots more

Q: Would you like to sit in on this conversation / Q&A Session?

We’ve had loads of interest already, so I’m expecting a fun and vibrant session. You can get the details and register for free at www.jamiesmart.com/unique 

This week’s podcast

INTERVIEW – Develop Your Intuition with Carl Harvey

In this episode, you’re going to be hearing a ‘fireside chat’ I had with my dear friend and colleague, Carl Harvey. Carl is the founder of the Abundance Book Club and The Big Life show. He was also MindValley’s head copywriter for a couple of years and appeared in the film, “Beyond The Secret; The Awakening”. BTW, you may have heard me say my aim is to be practical without being prescriptive, spiritual without being woo-woo, impactful without being earnest and to bring a good feeling to the whole endeavour. Carl is a great example of those ambitions 🙂 You can listen to our conversation here:

A very special video

TED Talk – A Head Full of Bees: A Mental Health Revolution is Coming

When Clarity Coach Simon Paine told me he was doing a TED Talk, I was delighted to hear it. Simon is the co-founder of the Rebel Business School (a fantastic organisation that was created to be the *opposite* of traditional business schools). Over the past decade, they’ve taught over 17,000 people to start their own businesses. And as well as being a talented entrepreneur, Simon’s also a great coach and is passionate about mental health. In his TED Talk, Simon offers hope through his lived experience of depression and anxiety and asks: what if the solution is spiritual and not medical?

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Tons of love,

PS As you may already be aware, my beloved Emma McDevitt and I are offering a new programme starting in January called the Clarity Professional Programme: Bring Your Unique Expression to Life.

The theme of uncovering and living your unique expression is one that’s very alive for us both, so we’re inspired to share it with a group of explorers.

We’ve clipped a quick video (12 minutes) from our recent ClarityLive! event where I talk about our inspiration for creating this programme.

>> Click Here to watch the unique expression video.

If you enjoy the video and want to find out more about it, the first step is to go through our simple ‘unique expression diagnostic’ process. Its purpose is to continue deepening your awareness of your unique expression and to help us (me and Emma) get a sense of where you’re at in your journey.

Once you’ve completed it, we’ll review your answers, share our thoughts and send you the full programme details.

Q: Do you want us to send you the diagnostic? 

Just reply to this email and type ‘diagnostic’ and we’ll get it right over to you.