(Photo courtesy of kadajawi)
"The harder I practice, the luckier I get."
Steve Davis, Snooker Champion
I was talking to someone recently who said "I'd like to have some coaching clients. I don't have any yet, but I'm sure it'll happen".
(Photo courtesy of kadajawi)
"The harder I practice, the luckier I get."
Steve Davis, Snooker Champion
I was talking to someone recently who said "I'd like to have some coaching clients. I don't have any yet, but I'm sure it'll happen".
Last week, I was being interviewed by my friend, Knut Johannessen, and he asked the question, “How does it help a person to know that their feelings are coming from thought?” I replied that the issue isn’t that a person has anxious feelings (for instance) coming from anxious thinking. The issue is that the person believes those feelings have something to do with the world; have something to do with ‘objective reality’. But it doesn’t work that way…
"Integrity has no need of rules."
Albert Camus
The other day, a friend asked my views on “developing integrity”. He explained that he was involved in a discussion with a group of coaches who were each in the process of creating a “set of rules” to live by. Here’s what I said: “If you create rules to live by, sooner or later you'll encounter the situation where wisdom will have you break them. Living in accordance with wisdom is the ultimate integrity.” In this article, we’re going to be looking at what that means.
A few weeks ago, I was posting on a thread in a private Facebook group for people who are masters of the art of change. One of the people posting on the thread was Jørgen Rasmussen, a true explorer in the domain of 1:1 work, and author of the fascinating book Provocative Hypnosis. Read More →
“Every outbreak across the globe today stems from a descendant of the medieval plague.”
Hendrik Poinar
Evolutionary Biologist
To understand the costly and life-damaging phenomenon of workplace stress, it’s useful to have a brief look at history. The bubonic plague was once the scourge of Europe, killing millions and destroying entire communities. For centuries, people were powerless to stop this devastating illness. Why? Because they didn’t understand what caused it. Today, we know that the bubonic plague is a bacterial infection, spread by fleas, but in medieval times, this fact was invisible to them. Medieval doctors believed it was caused by “poisoned air” (similarly, the word “malaria” literally means “bad air”, a hangover from early misunderstandings about how the illness was spread).
My gift of Clarity to you…
It’s 12 months since you helped my book Clarity became an international number 1 bestseller. It’s been an amazing year. Thanks for everything! Read More →
I'm in lovely Lanzarote running the CLARITY Life Transformation Retreat this week, and I've been doing some recording while I'm out here.
I've created a 33 minute recording called "The Inner Source of High Performance" that I'd like to give you as a gift. I really appreciate your attention, engagement and support, so I want to share this brand new recording with you.
You can download it and join in the conversation in the comments below.
“You’re always living in the feeling of your thinking.”
– Keith Blevens
Clinical psychologist
I'm on holiday until Monday Jan 20th, so in the meantime I thought I'd answer a question that a lot of people ask when they're introduced to my work: So what’s the point of learning about principles?
The answer comes from my #1 bestselling book CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results (© 2013 Jamie Smart, published by Wiley)
So what’s the point of learning about principles?
"Inspiration often shows up when you're already doing something else…"
Someone who's making a difference
I'm on holiday in Mexico at the moment, so I'm having a couple of weeks off from writing, social media etc. But I wanted to give you something to help you keep the principles behind clarity in mind, so I thought I'd give you the final chapter of my book, CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results (© 2013 Jamie Smart) . You can grab a high-quality, downloadable copy of this here for you to print out and put somewhere you can see it each day